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Twin Peaks—Exploring the Boundaries of
Public Education 
This report captures the proceedings of the 2018 Twin Peaks Research Summit, a gathering that aims to push thinking and explore the “edges” of current issues in public education. Included in the report are short summaries of the 2018 Twin Peaks presentations, written by the presenters themselves, reflecting their own voices and experience. (COOR-116-2, 2018 06, 60 pp) |
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Control, Regulation and Scope of Practice in
the Teaching Profession—Environmental Scan 
To better understand the nature, status and control of the teaching profession in Canadian provinces, and how each may be changing, this report focuses on conceptual thinking, contextual settings and evolutionary trends in education. (COOR-101-18, 2018 06, 96 pp) |
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“Who Will Help Me to Do Well?” How to Best Support the Professional Growth of Alberta's Newest Teachers 
The ATA has committed to supporting its newest members through professional development initiatives and continued research. This publication reports the results of the latest research effort on teachers in the early years of practice. (COOR-101-17, 2018 06, 66 pp) |
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Research into Policy and Practice Highlights 2017 
One of the Association’s overarching goals is to identify strategic research priorities thatwill build its capacity as a forward-thinking teacher organization in order to advance positive educational change. Flowing from the Association’s Strategic Plan (Alberta Teachers’ Association 2013), the research activities outlined in this publication and the conversations they will hopefully engender will help teachers to engage their communities in understanding the forces shaping the precarious future of public education. (COOR-101-4, 2017 07, 28 pp) |
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The Role of the Superintendent and the Teaching Profession 
This report examines the role of the superintendent, specifically as it relates to the teaching profession in Alberta. The report represents the culmination of two years of work and the contributions of the Committee on Superintendents in the Teaching Profession and an expert panel of provincial, national and international researchers. By investigating the role of the superintendent, stakeholders can work toward a better understanding of leadership in education to address present practice and future needs. (COOR-101-12, 2016 11, 68 pp)
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The Future of Social Studies—The Voices of Alberta Teachers 
Stemming from a research project initiated by the Association’s Social Studies Council, this report focuses on the current state of social studies in Alberta classrooms. Specifically, the report records and examines the results of a 2015 survey of nearly 500 Alberta social studies teachers. Overall, the study reveals the complexities that teachers face with respect to curriculum and instruction, assessment, program objectives, and teaching and learning conditions.
(COOR-101-11, 2016 06, 80 pp)
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Alberta Voices: Teachers’ Aspirations for the Future of Teaching 
In 2011 the Association participated in research jointly sponsored by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation and the Canadian Education Association that asked the questions: (1) what conditions help teachers teach in a way that resonates with their beliefs about teaching and learning (2) what professional conditions help teacher teach they way they aspire to and (3) how can we create those conditions? This report is an analysis of the answers to those questions from three focus groups of Alberta teachers. (PD-151 2012 11, 20 pp) |
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A Week in the Life of Alberta School Leaders 
An ATA Research Update: July 2014
This time diary study reports on the workload of Alberta school leaders, documenting and analyzing the activities that administrators undertake in a typical day.
(PD-86-28, 2014 07, 18 pp)
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The Courage to Choose: Emerging Trends and Strategic Possibilities for Informed Transformation in Alberta Schools: 2010-2011 
An ATA Research Update: Fall 2010
Drawing on recent research by the Alberta Teachers’ Association, this publication attempts to answer the following question: “What kind of society do we want to create in Alberta and what kind of teaching and learning will get us there?”
(PD-86-11c 2010, 56 pp) |
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Creating Possibilities, Balancing Priorities—the 2012 Professional Development Survey 
An ATA Research Report: November 2012
This study reports the results of research the Association undertook during the 2011/12 school year on teachers’ perspectives of professional development activities and opportunities across the province. (PD-86-25 2012 11, 31 pp) |
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Digital Reporting and Digital Assessment Tools: Evaluating their Value and their Impact 
This study examines how the use of digital reporting and assessment tools is affecting student learning, the workload of teachers and principals, and overall assessment practices. Technology comes with great potential. However, as this study reveals, the implementation of digital reporting and assessment tools must be navigated thoughtfully. (COOR-101-1 2014 12, 64 pp) |
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The Early Years of Practice: Interim Report of a Five-Year Study of Beginning Teachers in Alberta 
An ATA Research Update: February 2011
This publication summarizes the findings at the end of Year 3 of a five-year study that is tracking the experiences of a cohort of 135 Alberta teachers who began teaching in 2007. (PD-86-19 2011, 40 pp). |
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Engaging in Action Research
Action research is a method used by educators and schools to explore and understand the real world issues and questions arising from schools and school systems. Action researchers seek to engage with studies that add practical insight and solutions to the field of educational studies. This practical and interaction resource has been designed to help classroom teachers and school leaders engage in the development, implementation, and publication of their action research projects. (COOR-101-25 2019 12, 56 pp)
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Evaluating the School Principal: A Professional Model for Enhancing the Leadership Practices of Alberta’s School Administrators 
An ATA Research Update: February 2010
This publication is the result of a two-year research project that field-tested the ATA’s model policy on the professional growth, supervision and evaluation of school administrators. It details the steps taken in the project and describes five general principles school boards should follow in implementing the Principal Quality Practice Guideline. (PD-86-16 2010, 23 pp) |
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The Experience of Substitute Teaching in Alberta Schools 
An ATA Research Update: February 2010
This document analyses the results of a 2008 online survey of teachers undertaken by the ATA with research assistance from the University of Alberta. The study identifies and discusses the challenges and rewards of substitute teaching, and seeks to instill a deeper appreciation in stakeholders of the vital role played by substitute teachers in Alberta’s educational system. (PD-86-15 2010, 24 pp) |
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The Future is Growing Together: Building the professional capital of teachers in Rocky View Schools 
This publication reports on a study that Rocky View Local No 35, with the assistance of the provincial Association, undertook to identify and understand the root causes of the challenges facing teachers in Rocky View. (COOR-98 2014 03, 43 pp) |
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The Future of Teaching in Alberta 
An ATA Research Update: March 2011
Based on focus groups discussions with teachers and a review of current trends in education, this publication examines the future of teaching in Alberta over the next 20 years in terms of what is possible, what is probable and what is preferred.
(PD-86-20 2011, 42 pp) |
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The Future of the Principalship in Canada 
This publication identifies and examines the trends that will shape the work of Canada’s school leaders. Five hundred principals from across Canada participated in this study, which was a joint undertaking of the Alberta Teachers’ Association and the Canadian Association of Principals.
(COOR-100ext, 2014 07, 147 pp) |
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A Great School for All: Transforming Education in Alberta 
An ATA Research Update: August 2012
This document sets out the Association’s views on the kind of educational transformation that is needed to ensure that Alberta continues to have one of the best education systems in the world. (PD-86-26 2012 07, 38 pp) |
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The Impact of Digital Technologies on Teachers Working in Flexible Learning Environments 
An ATA Research Update: May 2011
This study, the largest of its kind in Canada to date, explores the ways in which the flexible timing and pacing of instruction affects the conditions of professional practice of teachers. (PD-86-21 2011, 44 pp)
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Leadership for Learning: The Experience of Administrators in Alberta Schools 
An ATA Research Update: June 2009 (PD-86-14 2009, 12 pp) |
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Looking Forward: Emerging trends and strategic possibilities for enhancing teaching and learning in Alberta schools 2009-2012 
An ATA Research Update: Fall 2009 (PD-86-11b 2009, 44 pp) |
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The 2011/12 National Study on Balancing Work, Life and Caregiving in Canada: The Situation for Alberta Teachers 
In 2011/12, Linda Duxbury, a researcher at Carleton University, conducted a national study on work–life issues as they affect the various professions. This report, which the Association published, focuses on Duxbury’s findings with respect to teachers in Alberta. (COOR-94 2013 03, 86 pp)
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The New Work of Teaching: A Case Study of the Worklife of Calgary Public Teachers 
An ATA Research Update: February 2012
In the spring of 2011, twenty Calgary Public teachers kept detailed diaries for a one-week period on how they spent their time. In addition to reporting on the results of that study, this document includes a review of recent literature on maintaining a work–life balance. (PD-86-23 2012, 24 pp) |
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Professional Learning for Informed Transformation: The 2010 Professional Development Survey 
An ATA Research Update: November 2010
This publication presents the results of a survey that the Association conducted in 2010 on the professional development opportunities available to teachers in Alberta.
(PD-86-18 2010, 36 pp) |
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Reflections on Teaching: Teacher Efficacy and the Professional Capital of Alberta Teachers 
An ATA Research Update: April 2014
This document contains the final report on a study that examined the factors that influence teachers' sense of professional efficacy and their personal well-being.
(PD-86-27, 2014 04, 70 pp) |
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Renewing Alberta's Promise: A Great School for All 
This publication both stems from an international symposium on curriculum change, “‘Off the Charts’: International Dialogue on Redesigning Curriculum in Alberta,” and extends the work of A Great School for All—Transforming Education in Alberta, a blueprint document for sustaining innovation in Alberta’s K–12 sector. Foregrounding the core value of equity in public education, this research publication outlines opportunities for educational renewal and for co-creating a great school for all.
(COOR-101-3, 2015 08, 51 pp) |
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The State of Inclusion in Alberta Schools 
This report outlines the research project undertaken by the Blue Ribbon Panel on Inclusive Education in Alberta Schools. Analysis of the data collected from surveys, focus groups and interviews feeds into the four key findings that the report highlights, and informs a productive overview of the panel’s recommendations for the successful implementation of inclusive education.
(COOR-101-5 2015 04, 44 pp)
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Substitute Teachers in Alberta: A Research Report
An ATA Research Update: October 2011
This document analyzes the results of a 2010 online survey of substitute teachers that the ATA undertook with research assistance from the University of Alberta. The study, a follow-up to one conducted in 2008, seeks to identify the unique challenges that substitute teachers encounter on a daily basis and to suggest potential solutions. (PD-86-22 2011, 35 pp)
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Success for All: The Teaching Professions Views on the Future of Special Education 
An ATA Research Update: February 2009
(PD-86-13 2009, 44 pp). |
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Teaching and Learning Conditions in Alberta: A Global Perspective 
This report offers an analysis of the results of the 2013 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) in relation to six studies focused on Alberta teachers undertaken within the past three years. Examining and comparing the TALIS and Alberta studies, this report identifies key areas of concern and opportunity related to Alberta’s teaching and learning conditions.
(COOR-101-2, 2015 02, 32 pp) |
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Teaching in the Early Years of Practice: A Five-Year Longitudinal Study 
An ATA Research Update: June 2013
This document contains the final report on a five-year study that the Association undertook on the experiences of a cohort of beginning teachers.
(PD-86-19b 2013, 66 pp) |
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Teaching in the Early Years of Practice: Fourth-Year Report 
An ATA Research Update: May 2012
This report summarizes the year-four findings of a five-year study that the Association is conducting on the experiences of beginning teachers.
(PD-86-19a 2012, 48 pp) |
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Transformation and Alberta’s Schools: A Time for Action 
In this brochure, the ATA presents, in summary form, its vision for how education needs to change to ensure that Alberta continues to have a world-class education system. For a detailed discussion of the vision, see the 2012 monograph A Great School for All—Transforming Education in Alberta.
(PD-86-26aExt 2013 01, 32 pp) |
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Using Technology to Support Real Learning First in Alberta Schools 
An ATA Research Update: May 2010
This monograph examines the ideologies behind the installation of digital technology in schools. It includes a look at the changes that have resulted from the Alberta government’s investment of $1.5 billion in technology over the last fifteen years and identifies seven ways the government could transform the education system to ensure that it meets the needs of 21st-century learners.
(PD-86-17 2010, 40 pp) |
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