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Your vote. Your Profession.
The members of Provincial Executive Council (PEC) make decisions about the business of the Alberta Teachers’ Association. Input they receive from you contributes to the voice the Association gives the teaching profession at the provincial and national levels. Voting in the 2017 PEC election is one of the most important opportunities you have to influence who will speak for you and your profession. Take it!
Election refresh
ATA president
(one to be elected)
The ATA president is provided full-time release from teaching in order to serve at Barnett House, the ATA’s Edmonton headquarters. The president’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, being
- official spokesperson for the Alberta Teachers’ Association;
- chief representative of the Association in dealings with provincial and national
education stakeholders, including the Government of Alberta and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation; and
- chair of Provincial Executive Council.
Who votes?
Active and associate ATA members in all geographic districts
Who’s running?
(pictured from left to right) Greg Jeffery, Kelly Maroney,
Robert Twerdoclib
ATA vice-president
(two to be elected)
ATA vice-presidents are provided up to half-time release to perform Council-related duties. Vice-presidents’ duties include but are not limited to
forming part of the delegation to meet the minister responsible for education;
alternating months as deputy president and serving on committees, and chairing either the Association’s finance or resolutions committees; and
playing a major role, along with district representatives, in communicating with teachers at the school level.
Who votes?
Active and associate ATA members in all geographic districts
Who’s running?
(pictured from left to right) Greg Carabine, Myrna McLean,
Jenny Regal, Jason Schilling, Diane Sellars-Myshchyshyn
District Representatives
ATA district representatives are provided up to half-time release to perform Council-
related duties. District representatives’ duties include but are not limited to
representing individual teachers and ATA locals in their geographic districts and
presenting their views,
participating in Council decision making,
familiarizing themselves with the activities of ATA locals in their geographic districts and
communicating ATA policy and activities to teachers who are members of the ATA locals in their geographic districts.
Calgary City Geographic District (three to be elected)
Who’s running?
Joanne Boissonneault, Heide Doppmeier, Kathy Hoehn, Kent Kinsman
Central Geographic District
(one to be elected)
Who’s running?
Jere Geiger, Kim Mason
Edmonton McMurray Geographic District
(three to be elected)
Who’s running?
Nancy Ball, Darrin
Bauer, Markiana Cyncar-Hryschuk, Carmen Glossop, Patrick Johner
North West Geographic District (one to be elected)
Who’s running?
Lori Cox, Peter Mackay,
Lori Szmul
Who votes?
Click to view candidates in your district.
View a PDF version of the 2017 PEC Election Overview
Continue to Part 2 of 2017 PEC Election Overview