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Facebook feedback
The Facebook community reacts to an opinion column by ATA executive staff officer Shelley Magnusson about Donald Trump and male attitudes toward sexual assault. As well as being shared through social media, the column appeared on page 16 of the Nov. 8 issue of the ATA News under the headline “Teachers have a duty to trump the Trumps of the world.”
Kyle Stewart
I can’t think of anything more relevant to my classroom right now. The students are hearing and seeing this happen — if your students haven’t already found and talked about things Trump has said (and tweeted) in your classroom, well, you have a very different group of students than I do. Whether the accusations are false or not, Trump’s statements about and in response to them are a matter of (unedited) public record. And for that reason alone, they need to be addressed.
Del Sheehan
This article does NOT belong in the ATA Magazine for many reasons, not the least of which being it attacks an individual rather than an idea (we in the profession shouldn’t condone personal attacks ... that’s kind of like bullying isn’t it?) and on top of that clearly states an anti-Trump stance while hiding behind a theme of sexual exploitation.
Ann Janette
The Alberta Teachers’ Association: well said. Many of the issues we see in the classrooms today are the result of the normalizing of aberrant behaviour by the parents. Morality is not always taught at home.
Brent Stasuik
Far be it from me to condone the content of a number of Mr. Trump’s comments or his erratic behaviour, but there are a number of items that beg consideration: As the professional representative of teachers across the province (remember, we don’t have a choice in belonging) your comment or involvement in political activities stateside is not appropriate. Concern yourselves with the political mess we have here in Alberta/Canada, and activities that will continue to develop our education system here.
Shawna Follett Bulger
Politics aside: anyone who has EVER been in a classroom knows that “morality” and the “moral upbringing of the children” cannot be “left to” anyone. My students are with me and in my care five to six hours of the day. How would I dismiss this aspect of their being?
Karen Singer
Incredible. As a body representing many diverse teachers’ beliefs and teaching students about the power of democracy, you choose to express a biased political stance on American politics.
Fifty per cent of Americans chose him as a better role model. Teach your children and teachers from this, rather than taking a position. Teach the importance of decorum, as well as the importance of voting, and the importance of understanding all parties’ perspectives. ❚
Read Shelley Magnusson's article that appeared in ATA News