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TALEEND—Tell us something good! 

February 23, 2021


These are challenging times, so we took to our Facebook page and asked teachers: Tell us something good that has happened! They did.


I have had so many administrators tell my learning supports team how much they appreciate them. It feels good to hear them be appreciated!
Brenda Lee


One of my students named his cat after my cat. My cat’s name is Mister Meowsworth. He named his cat Tilly Meowsworth.
Larkin RJ


One of the Grade 6 students that I teach French to stood up and declared: “Mrs. Zapach, you are the nicest teacher in the whole school!”
Jennifer Jones Zapach



One of my parents made me this amazing birthday cake!!
Laurie Jean 


I am teaching Grade 4 online this year, and entered my class in the Meaning of Home contest, which is created by Habitat for Humanity. Students wrote free-verse poems based on what home means to them, and we raised $280 toward a local Habitat build! It was neat to see how our writing can give back to our community!
Lauren Victoria Wark


I’ve had the pleasure of watching a first time EA grow. Through some feedback and suggestions he has become a great EA in a short period of time and during a year like no other. The students really like him and respect him. He’s been an amazing addition to the classroom.
Jaime Rochelle



This was from some of my Science 9s.
Magz Veinot

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