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TALEEND: Holiday Movie Bingo

December 10, 2020


The holidays are a time for relaxing, spending time with family … and cheesy Christmas movies. 

Who doesn’t want to watch Hugh Grant dance around 10 Downing Street for the thousandth time? 

Sit back, relax and challenge your coworkers to 

Holiday Movie Bingo

Print out this game card and have it ready when you’re watching a holiday movie. If something in the movie matches something on the card, mark that box with an X and the name of the film. Five Xs in any direction means you have a bingo!

Post your winning card to Twitter or Instagram by Dec. 31 with the hashtag #ataholidaybingo, and you’ll be entered to win a prize package with ATA swag and a $25 gift card to the business of your choice.


Happy watching ... and happy holidays!

Bingo material created by Kate Toogood, ATA News staff.

Need more copies? Click here to access a downloadable PDF of this page.

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