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Wellness days provide a welcome break

November 17, 2020 Kim Clement, ATA News Staff


Several school jurisdictions opted to shut down for previously unscheduled “wellness days” in November so exhausted teachers, staff and students could rest and recharge.

“I think this move by boards is a great one,” said ATA president Jason Schilling. “Our research shows that teachers and principals are experiencing high levels of stress and fatigue.”

To help combat the fatigue and stress that teachers are reporting, the Holy Spirit Catholic School Division cancelled classes for Nov. 9 and 10. Following suit were Livingstone Range School Division, Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools and Medicine Hat Public Schools.


Livingstone Range School Division granted a five-day wellness break beginning Nov. 9.

Taking time to check in on personal well-being is becoming increasingly important for teachers as the stress of navigating teaching amidst a pandemic takes its toll on mental health, Schilling said.

“Teachers want schools to stay open and are working harder than ever,” Schilling said.

“The wellness time is important. We have a lot of pandemic ahead of us. We need to keep finding ways to focus on wellness and balance the requirements of school and health.” ❚

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