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We’re teaching for a better world


October 6, 2020


Oct. 5 was World Teachers’ Day, and this year Alberta teachers joined more than 32 million teachers globally to celebrate and reflect on the work we do. This year, more than ever, we know how important it is for teachers and school administrators to work together to create safe learning spaces for all students, especially given the lack of government support. The theme for this year’s World Teachers’ Day was “Teaching for a better world: together in strength and solidarity.”

Teaching during a pandemic has not been easy. Well, frankly, nothing since the cancellation of classes in March has been easy for teachers in Alberta and across the world. Throughout the pandemic, I have been meeting regularly with my counterparts from across Canada to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted their province or territory. The stories and concerns teachers have in Alberta are shared by their colleagues from coast to coast to coast — we are not alone in these strange days. That’s what made this year’s World Teachers’ Day theme so poignant. Since the stresses of returning to the classroom are universal, it is up to us, as teachers, to find ways to support each other in solidarity. We need to stick together now more than ever.

This year, I am honoured to honour you, the dedicated and committed teachers and administrators who show great resolve in showing up every day for your students. This year is nothing like we have ever seen. It will continue to test us as a profession. Together, in strength and solidarity, teachers in Alberta and across the globe will continue to teach for a better world. ❚

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