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2012 - Promise and Peril: The Impact of Technology on Children, Schools and Communities

April 26, 2012
Invitational Research Colloquium
Fairmont Hotel Macdonald, Empire Ballroom


The 2012 inaugural colloquium featured approximately 150 delegates from over 70 different groups/organizations. Representatives at the 2012 event were drawn from specialist councils of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, research scholars from multiple universities, health sector professionals, Government of Alberta officials from Human Services, Alberta Education and the Department of Justice, Alberta Teachers’ Association officials, College of Alberta Superintendents, Alberta School Boards Association, Alberta School Councils Association, community representatives, business leaders, and our distinguished keynote speakers from Harvard Medical School and the University of Bristol Neuroscience.

Videos of the Evening Public Lectures

Finding Huck Finn: Reclaiming Childhood from a River of Electronic Screens
Dr. Michael Rich, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and Associate Professor of Society, Human Development, and Health at Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, United States
The Impact of Digital Technologies on Human Wellbeing
Dr. Paul Howard Jones, Senior Neuroscientist and Lecturer in Education at University of Bristol, United Kingdom

• A Brief Summary Article - Are the tools we live through reshaping us?
• Alberta Primetime Video Segment - Long-Term Impacts of Technology 
Program and Working Journal (Interactive PDF)  

Presentation Slides

• Dr. Michael Rich - Finding Huck Finn: Reclaiming Childhood from a River of Electronic Screens (PDF)
• Dr. Paul Howard-Jones – The Impact of Digital Technologies on Human Wellbeing (PDF)
• Dr. Valerie Steeves - Privacy and Child Protection Online: Finding the Balance (PDF)
• Dr. Jane O’Dea - Relationships and Identity in the Digital Age (PDF)
• Dr. Michele Jacobsen