Myrna McLean has been an outspoken advocate for a strong public education system for the past three decades. Stress and mental health issues for students, teachers and administrators are reaching critical levels.
Alberta teachers must engage in their professional organization and demand that their voices be heard throughout the province. Our strength is in the solidarity of 40,000 teachers who have a collective voice. As a proud member of the ATA, Ms. McLean understands this voice and is willing to fight for changes to ensure a more reasonable work-life balance.
Overcrowded classrooms, increased poverty rates, excessive testing, updating technology, supervision times and inclusive education issues are only a few of the classroom concerns for teachers.
“The challenge of being a single parent and employed as a full-time teacher meant a constant struggle for me to maintain a healthy balance.”
As a passionate educator from the front lines, Ms. McLean has the wisdom and experience to join the Provincial Executive Council.
Hard work and dedication are strengths upon which Ms. McLean built her professional career over the past 34 years. As a classroom teacher, she taught all grade levels and served as an administrator for six years. Ms. McLean completed a masters in leadership from the University of Victoria.
“Growing up in Red Deer, both parents were teachers. When my daughter started her teaching career in Alberta, she became a fifth-generation teacher.”
As the president of ATA Local No. 77, Ms. McLean has represented her colleagues for five years. She worked with the North East Teachers' Convention Association for 25 years and was a professional development facilitator.
“As a proud Alberta teacher; I am willing to listen, stand up and advocate for teachers. Meeting future challenges means we must demand and achieve a better work-life balance!”