I would like to start by thanking my locals and their leadership for the faith they placed in me during the 2016 byelection for Edmonton District to serve you. As I come before you, I am once again asking for your support to place me in office as your district representative for a full two-year term. Despite my background experience and willingness to learn, I realize now the real leap of faith you took on me for such an important task. I have made mistakes for sure and had to learn lots of things on the fly. I truly feel that I am ready to be the complete voice that you need at Provincial Executive Council, and with your support, I can place Edmonton District back at the forefront of education and service to our members.
I would also like to say how the vast majority of your local members have no idea of the long hours and sacrifice to family you make as presidents, executive and committee chairs in order to get the important work you do done. From this example I have drawn strength over this past year. As a DR, some of the most memorable moments for me have been the inductions of starry-eyed new teachers to their classes and the exit of outgoing veteran teachers as they embark on a change in life focus. I enjoyed hearing the tremendous stories of how they impacted students during their careers. This dedication speaks to the true fibre of a teacher and the importance of our role in society.
I ask for your support, as Edmonton District teachers, to be the voice you need, want and deserve! Thank you in advance again for all that you do.