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Notices and Events

January 31, 2017

Indigenous Shining Student Award

The Indigenous Shining Student Award is awarded annually to a First Nations, Métis or Inuit student who demonstrates leadership and inspires others. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in a grades 10–12 program in a school operated by an Alberta school board or a First Nations education authority and exemplify the following characteristics:

  1. Pursuing their goal or dream despite challenges
  2. Persevering in their studies
  3. Maintaining a positive outlook on their future opportunities
  4. Promoting their heritage and culture
  5. Providing leadership within a cultural perspective
  6. Embracing and respecting the heritage of all

Students can be nominated by a teacher, student, principal, superintendent, trustee or school staff. Nominations must be received by Feb. 28 and include a letter outlining why the individual is deserving of recognition and at least one additional recommendation letter.

Nominations will be considered by a committee comprised of one representative from each of the education partner organizations — Alberta Teachers’ Association, Alberta School Boards Association, Alberta School Councils’ Association, College of Alberta School Superintendents, and Alberta Education FNMI Field Services Branch — and one person appointed by the Education Partners’ Task Force.

The successful candidate will receive an opportunity to attend a youth conference on leadership and change, with financial support for registration, travel, accommodation and reasonable expenses. The recipient will also be recognized in their home community or school at a locally arranged event.

An online nomination form can be found at


Stories and photos wanted

The ATA News is always on the lookout for interesting articles, photos and cartoons. Articles should not exceed 500 words and should be accompanied by a short byline, stating where you work and what you teach. Photos of teachers or students participating in interesting activities are welcome, as are cartoons. Don’t forget to include photo captions. Please note: Receipt of material does not guarantee its publication. Send your submissions to Managing Editor, the ATA News, 11010–142 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2R1 or submit electronically to

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