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On the Twittersphere
ATA Local 48 @ATALocal48
Today we welcome back FMPSD teachers. Please know that your local is here to support you! We wish you all the best. Happy new year!
Randy Hetherington @rwhetherington
1st class Monday…excitement of starting 51st consecutive schl yr as stdt, tchr, prncpl & now professor. Awesome.
From Summer Conference (#ATASumCon)
Darren Moroz @darrenmoroz
A huge thank you to all ATA instructors and staff for your time and energy in making #ATASUMCON so successful!
Jackie Chandra @ChandraBing
We can't teach reconciliation unless we live it. And WE need to be courageous learners — @Bearhead_C.
Alison Turner @jt_alison
Estimated 30–50% of homeless youth identify
as LGBTQ. What can schools do to support these children better?