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Council approves centennial projects
Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held June 9–10, 2016, at Barnett House in Edmonton
- Approved the Association’s initial proposal for central bargaining in 2016.
- Directed that the Association commission Tag Advertising to develop a centennial brand for the Association’s 100th anniversary, with costs of up to $35,000 to be charged to 100th Anniversary Celebration.
- Directed that the Association commission, create and install one enduring work of art in celebration of the Association’s centennial year, with a projected global budget of $300,000 to be expensed over two fiscal years and charged to 100th Anniversary Celebration.
- Directed that the Association contract a consultant to manage the art project from beginning to end.
- Directed that the Association proceed immediately to secure a location for the installation.
- Authorized staff to investigate further the purchase of anniversary notebooks to give to delegates at the 2017 Annual Representative Assembly.
- Directed that the Association secure a venue for a centennial banquet that will take place at the 2018 Annual Representative Assembly in Calgary.
- Received the report of a hearing committee, which found a teacher guilty on two charges of unprofessional conduct for engaging in sexual activities with two students. The hearing committee imposed the penalty of a declaration of ineligibility for membership in the Association and a recommendation to the minister of education for permanent cancellation of the teacher’s certificate.
- Received the report of a hearing committee, which found a teacher guilty on two charges of unprofessional conduct for making comments to pupils and for engaging in actions that failed to treat pupils with dignity and respect. The hearing committee imposed the penalty of a letter of severe reprimand and a declaration of ineligibility for membership in the Association for a period of six months and a recommendation to the minister of education that the teacher’s certificate be suspended for a period of six months.
- Learned that Alberta Education has invited the Association to co-lead the development of a new program of studies for education in Alberta.
- Named field members to serve on Association committees and to represent the Association on the committees of other organizations in 2016/17.
- Established a Committee on First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education to advise Council on, and to facilitate internal and external liaison with respect to, First Nations, Métis and Inuit education.
- Disbanded the Committee on Future SARO Building Needs with thanks.
- Directed that the chair of the Well-Being of Children and Youth Committee represent the Association on an ongoing basis on the Human Services and Poverty Task Force, a body that is organized and run by Public Interest Alberta.
- Disbanded the Joint Stakeholder Committee on Children and Poverty with thanks.
- Disbanded the Committee on Superintendents in the Teaching Profession with thanks.
- Set March 21, 2017 as the date for the collection of ballots for the general election to Provincial Executive Council for terms commencing July 1, 2017.
- Extended to Dec 31, 2016 the deadline for the commencement of a hearing of the Professional Conduct Committee.
- Directed that the Association’s 2016/17 public relations campaign include a third creative in addition to the two used in the 2015/16 campaign.
- Approved Local Diversity, Equity and Human Rights Grants, totalling $20,000, to 18 grant applicants.
- Directed that the Association’s Administrative Guidelines be amended to include a statement to the effect that, in its print and electronic publications, the Association endeavour to visually depict the diversity of Alberta’s population.
- Approved amendments to the frames of reference of the Economic Policy Committee for Conseil scolaire Centre-Nord No. 2 and Palliser Regional Division No. 26.
- Directed that the Association donate $1,000 to MediaSmarts, a digital literacy centre that partners with the Canadian Teachers’ Federation in hosting a Media Literacy Week. ❚