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Who says safety education can’t be fun?

April 19, 2011
Performers with ATCO Energy Theatre lead students at Coronation School, in Edmonton, through the Power Surge dance.
—Photo by Konni Macdonald
ATCO Energy Theatre launched its new show, “Power Game with the Blue Flame,” on April 8.  This spring, the show will travel to schools in 28 communities across central and southern Alberta.

“We believe live theatre is a particularly effective educational tool,” says Bobbi Lambright, president of ATCO Electric Operations Division. “The script and performances by our actors allow young audiences to see themselves in the context of the play, which is extremely important for learning.”

The program reinforces information presented in safety education programs already offered to schools and provides information related to the Grades 4–6 science curriculum. The theatre troupe will tour southern and central Alberta until mid-May and northern Alberta in October. The program is free to elementary schools served by ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric. 

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