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Notices & Events

April 19, 2011

EdTrust welcomes donations in memory of Pierre and Madeleine Monod

Pierre and Madeleine Monod were active in the UofA’s faculties of education and arts and in Alberta’s francophone community. In 1993, the Monods established a foundation to provide bursaries to Alberta language teachers who wanted to improve their skills in an immersion setting. The Monod foundation is now operated by EdTrust. Teachers wishing to make donations in memory of the Monods are invited to send them to Didi Heer, controller, ATA Educational Trust, Alberta Teachers’ Association, 11010-142 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2R1.

Crystal meth subject of free student DVD

The devastating effect of crystal meth is the theme of Wasted Angels by Multi-Youth Productions, in Stony Plain. The student performers, under the direction of school teacher Carol Gilchrist, write and produce theatre productions on subjects of interest to junior and senior high students. Wasted Angels has been filmed professionally and is available at no cost to schools across Alberta. To obtain a free copy of the DVD and teacher’s manual, contact Judy Kesanko, Multicultural Heritage Centre. Telephone: 780-963-2777 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays); e-mail:

Do you know where Canyon School’s time capsule is hidden?

Canyon School in Pincher Creek is celebrating its 50th anniversary on June 10, 2011. All former staff and students are invited to attend. Celebrations will feature old-fashioned games, a beef dinner, a fashion show, singing, and a sock hop in the school gymnasium. A time capsule will be created to mark the anniversary. Anyone with information about where the first time capsule is hidden is asked to contact the school. Please RSVP to the school if you plan to attend the anniversary celebrations. Telephone: 402-627-3118; e-mail: or

Visit a working farm and orchard

Sprout Farms offers fieldtrips for students in elementary school. The working farm and apple orchard, located north of Edmonton, provides students with hands-on learning activities. Students learn about bees and their importance in nature, and they learn about trees, soil and sheep. Full-day programs are offered in May and June. For information, visit

UNESCO invites teachers to contribute to wiki directory

What are the most successful, effective and productive educational activities promoting a culture of peace in Canada? UNESCO is collecting and publishing a directory of projects that encourage a culture of peace and respect for human rights and democratic values. The project will contribute to UNESCO’s International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World. For more information, visit (English) or (French).

Interactive workshops teach students about the UN

“What Kind of World...?” is the title of a free program offered by the Edmonton Branch of the United Nations Association in Canada (UNAC). The program teaches children in Grades 3–8 about the UN, Canada’s role in the UN and human rights. UNAC delivers three one-hour interactive workshops to students. The first workshop introduces students to the UN. The second workshop discusses the UN’s specialized agencies and programs and the third workshop focuses on human rights. For more information, visit UNAC’s website (

Reaching out to Japanese teacher colleagues

The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), in addition to inviting CTF member organizations to respond to Education International’s (EI) urgent appeal for Japan, also invites individual donations from teachers and member organizations’ staff. Funds will supplement the EI appeal to meet the needs of Japanese teachers in these difficult circumstances. Please send your donation to the CTF Trust Fund and mark it for the International Aid for Japan. Mail donations to CTF Trust Fund, 2490 Don Reid Drive, Ottawa, ON K1H 1E1. Tax receipts for individual donations will be issued. Visit CTF’s website for more information

Calgary Education Fair set for May

This year’s fair will be held on May 28, 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Thorncliffe Community Centre, 5600 Centre St. N., Calgary. The Fair is an opportunity to obtain new ideas, identify choices in education and support student academic success. Contact Theresa Kondrat Bochulak, producer, Calgary Education Fair, at 1-866-904-9498 or visit the website:

Stories and photos wanted

The ATA News is always on the lookout for interesting articles, photos and cartoons. Articles should not exceed 500 words and should be ­accompanied by a short byline, stating where you work and what you teach. Photos of teachers or students participating in interesting activities are welcome, as are cartoons. Don’t forget to include photo captions. Please note: Receipt of material does not guarantee its publication. Send your submissions to Managing Editor, the ATA News, 11010–142 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2R1 or submit electronically to

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