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Teacher… Leader… SUPERHERO!

January 12, 2016


Teachers from all across the province are involved in the work of the Alberta Teachers’ Association in various capacities. Such volunteer efforts by members are critical to the effective operation of the Association.

Greg meeker
Assistant principal, Ross Sheppard High School, Edmonton

How long have you been teaching?
Twenty years.

Why did you become a teacher?
It was a natural fit that I always seemed destined for.

Current Association role
Board chair, Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund

What are your main responsibilities?
Working with the board and employees of ATRF to secure the pension promise for Alberta teachers.

What do you enjoy most about this work?
The work I do to administer the plan with the ATRF board is different and unique. It has allowed me to learn new things and to see a side of education that I could not see from my school.

What other roles have you held with the Association?
School representative and ARA delegate.

Why do you do this work? Why is it important?
I am driven by the idea that every teacher has a responsibility to contribute to the profession in some capacity. Not everybody needs to become immersed in pension issues like I have, but the profession faces a myriad of issues that need to be worked on.

How (or why) did you first become involved in Association work?
My first substantial piece of work for the Association happened after I replied to an ad in the ATA News asking for volunteers to work on different committees.

What is your favourite ...
Movie? Stop Making Sense

TV show? The Office

Band/singer? David Byrne

Book? The Hunger Games

Summer vacation activity? Travel

Travel destination? Mexico

Article of clothing?
Albert Einstein necktie

What superpower would you most like to have and why?
The ability to fly — altitude gives a different perspective to life on Earth.

What fictional character are you most like and why?
Gregor Samsa (The Metamorphosis) for my ability to adapt to new realities.

What fictional character would you most like to meet and why?
Dwight Schrute from The Office because he has a method to his madness.

What was your first car?
A beat-up Dodge Omni. ❚

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