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1. Receive bargaining updates
All collective agreements between ATA bargaining units and their respective school jurisdictions expire Aug. 31, 2016. As new negotiations get underway, regular updates and other information critical to keeping you informed of developments regarding bargaining will be posted in the Members Only section of the Association website.
To gain access to the Members Only section, you must have an online ATA account.
2. Use ATA library online resources and databases
The ATA library has an extensive collection of books, periodicals, videos and other materials focusing on educational research and professional development for teachers. Library services and materials are available in both French and English.
An online ATA account is necessary to login into our catalogue to reserve books or videos.
3. Vote in ATA elections
Provincial Executive Council conducts the business of the Association and is made up of 20 members, 18 of whom are elected by you. To vote in Association elections, you need an online ATA account.
Nominations for the position of district representative for Edmonton District are currently open, and if there is to be a contested byelection, it will be announced Jan. 19. ATA members of that geographic district are encouraged to get an online ATA account — or update it, if they already have one — to ensure they will be ready, if necessary, to vote in February.
4. Get no-cost ATA specialist council memberships
As a benefit of ATA membership, active members are entitled to join one specialist council of their choice each year at no cost. Specialist councils promote the development of specialized professional expertise. Each of the 21 councils are operated by a team of volunteer teacher members who contribute their time, talent and enthusiasm to developing materials and organizing events that assist in gathering ideas, sharing information and building capacities among ATA members.
Active members must have an online ATA account to select and join the specialist council of their choice.
5. Print your own ATA member card
The Association is launching online self-serve membership card distribution. With an online ATA account, you will have the convenience of printing your own ATA member card from the Association website when you need it. ATA member cards are useful when your identification as a teacher or member of an association is needed to attend events, receive discounts or be eligible for other offers from retailers and service providers.❚

Sample ATA member card