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What kind of community/charity work are you and your students doing during this year’s holiday season?
Ruth Less Berkovich: I would like to get my class into the local seniors home to spend some time and share some joy ... haven’t quite decided the itinerary yet!
Londa Carey Olesen: Our school is collecting toiletries, hats, mittens, warm socks and gift cards for the homeless at the Calgary Drop-In Centre!
Elise Gilligan: We collected and packed shoeboxes of toys, school supplies and toiletries for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoebox [campaign] and are now collecting food donations for our local food bank.
Paul Pichurski: Food Bank drive ... also Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse.
Teacher reaction to Bill 5, which would allow schools boards to publicize teachers’ names and salaries.
Lori Simard: They could get a pretty good idea even without this. Grids can be found by anyone who goes looking for them.
Candice Medynski Riehl: They should also post the average (actual) hours worked per week beside each salary.
Brandi Bailey Coleman: It’s no one’s business. There’s a grid. Why attach names? It’s not needed.
Christy Munroe-Jellett: In rural, small towns and northern Alberta with high unemployment, this is just rude and uncalled for. Shame on the government that showed such potential.
ATA communications co-ordinator Jonathan Teghtmeyer hosted an education chat via Twitter on Wednesday, Nov. 25. The topic was the debate over discovery learning and back-to-basics in math. The chats are orchestrated through the @abedchat Twitter handle each Wednesday at 8 p.m.
Jonathan Teghtmeyer @atypicalalbertn: Q1: Does the public debate over discovery learning/back-to-basics accurately reflect your thinking on the issues? Why? Why not? #abedchat
Optimist Prime @polymathish: Students need foundation first – for years. Our curriculum is moving away from that.
Rocheal Howes @rlhowes: I wonder what teacher actually stopped teaching basics? I don’t know of any. Teaching discovery does not mean basics are dropped.
Jason Ness @bvhsness: To me the pendulum does not belong on either pole. There is an appropriate middle ground supported by research.
Letters to the editor: We welcome letters to the editor. Please limit your submission to 300 words. Only letters bearing a first and last name, address and daytime telephone number will be considered for publication. Teachers are also asked to indicate where and what they teach. All letters are subject to editing for length, clarity, punctuation, spelling and grammar. Email managing editor Cory Hare: