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A byelection will fill the Provincial Executive Council position of district representative (DR) for the Edmonton District left vacant by the resignation of Sean Brown.
Nominations will open Dec. 1, 2015 and close Jan. 19, 2016. Eligible to run for the DR position are teachers in Edmonton District who have either active or associate membership status in the Association and are not in receipt of an Alberta Teachers Retirement Fund pension.
Edmonton District includes teachers employed by any of these five jurisdictions: Elk Island Public Schools, Elk Island Catholic Schools, Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools, St. Albert Public Schools and Sturgeon School Division.
Nomination procedures and required forms will be sent to all ATA school representatives in Edmonton District and posted on the Association website on Dec. 1. The deadline for candidates to submit their signed nomination papers will be Jan. 19, 2016.
If only one nomination is confirmed, that person will be deemed to have been elected by acclamation. A byelection will take place if more than one nomination is confirmed and, as with the 2015 provincial ATA election, it will be conducted online.
Results will be announced Feb. 12. The term will end June 30, 2017.
The 411 on districts and district representatives
The Association divides the province into 11 geographic districts. Nine districts are represented on Council by one district representative (DR). Two, Calgary City and Edmonton-McMurray, are represented by three DRs each.
Throughout the year, Association business is transacted by Provincial Executive Council, a body of 20 made up of the Association’s 5 table officers (the president, two vice-presidents, the past president and the executive secretary) plus 15 DRs. Council meets at least eight times each school year. Association policy is set at its Annual Representative Assembly, which is attended by Council members as well as delegates from each local.
DRs are elected for two-year terms by Association members in their geographic districts. The role of the DR is to represent Association members employed by the school jurisdictions within their respective districts, ascertaining members’ views, issues and concerns. Another primary role is to act as a resource for ATA locals (local teacher associations) within their districts. ❚