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Question: How do I get a job at Barnett House?
Answer: The Association welcomes applications, and job vacancies are posted on the Association’s website.
The Association has a staff of more than 160 and maintains two offices — Barnett House in Edmonton and the Southern Alberta Regional Office, located in Calgary — and jobs are filled in each location. We have three staff groups: clerical, intermediate and executive. Our clerical staff includes secretaries, caretakers, food services personnel and various assistants. Our intermediate staff include many positions requiring university or college preparation (e.g., accountant, privacy and information officer, editor and various specialists). Our executive staff consists exclusively of certificated teachers who serve members directly. There are 34 continuing positions on the executive staff.
When there are staff vacancies at the intermediate and clerical levels and we proceed with external postings, the jobs are always advertised on the Association’s website. Our human resources staff handle recruitment in these positions. In every instance, a competition is held and a decision is made about the candidate best suited to the Association’s needs.
Executive staff positions are advertised in the ATA News, the Calgary Herald and the Edmonton Journal. The posting is also circulated to all Canadian teachers’ organizations. For all executive staff positions, a selection committee is established by Provincial Executive Council, chaired by the president, and the executive secretary serves as secretary. The relevant program co-ordinator also participates for rank and file postings, and Council elects three members of Provincial Executive Council to serve. The selection committee determines how to proceed with the competition, short-lists candidates, completes interviews and makes a staffing recommendation for consideration of Provincial Executive Council. Council makes appointments to executive staff.
The Association has earned a reputation of being an excellent employer, so we receive a high number of applications, but we also don’t have a huge number of vacancies. Some of the Association’s staff have been with the organization for more than 40 years.
We recruit the best — so if you are interested in employment, please check out our website or contact our human resources office at Barnett House. ❚
Questions for consideration in this column are welcome. Please address them to Gordon Thomas at Barnett House (