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PEC Points

April 19, 2016 Shelley Svidal and Paula Coliton

PEC amends proposed budget

Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held April 7–8, 2016, at Barnett House in Edmonton

1. Nominated President H. Mark Ramsankar for the position of president-elect of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) for 2016/17.

2. In the event he is not elected president-elect, nominated President H. Mark Ramsankar for the position of vice-president of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) for a one-year term.

3. Nominated past president Carol Henderson and executive secretary Gordon Thomas as Association members of the CTF Board of Directors for 2016/17.

4. Nominated a candidate for the 2016 Ordre des Francophones D’Amérique, which recognizes the merits of individuals dedicated to raising the profile and celebrating la Francophonie in America.

5. Amended the 2016/17 proposed budget.

6. Directed the Association to send a letter to Alberta Education outlining the importance of the Education Society to the teachers of Alberta and advocating for funding that would enable it to continue operations.

7. Approved in principle a proposed revision to principle 15.02 of the Principles for the Evaluation of Years of Teacher Education for Salary Purposes.

8. Approved extending for one year the terms of two economic consultants.

9. Named a field member to fill a vacancy on an Association committee.

10. Awarded the Alberta Teachers’ Association Doctoral Fellowships in Education, the John Mazurek Memorial–Morgex Insurance Scholarship and the Nadene M Thomas Graduate Research Bursary. ❚

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