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PEC Points: Council identifies projects to celebrate ATA's 100th year

August 25, 2015 Shelley Svidal, ATA News Staff

Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held June 11 and 12, 2015, at Barnett House in Edmonton

1. Approved the objective of the fall multimedia campaign.

2. Approved in principle 10 projects and activities to celebrate the Association’s centennial and referred them to Finance Committee to complete costing.

3. Consistent with section 50(1) of the Teaching Profession Act, extended to Dec. 31, 2015, the deadline for the commencement of a hearing of the Professional Conduct Appeal Committee.

4. Approved a frame of reference for Fort McMurray Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 32 teachers’ Economic Policy Committee.

5. Approved the establishment of the King’s University College, Education Students’ Association, Student Local No. 13, and chartered it effective June 1,

6. Awarded 19 grants to help fund innovative projects designed to build inclusive learning communities that promote the principles of diversity, equity and human rights.

7. Authorized a contribution to Media Smarts to help sponsor Media Literacy Week, scheduled for Nov. 2 to 6.

8. Authorized a contribution to sponsor the Youth Empowerment Initiative of the Council for the Advancement of African Canadians in Alberta and the provision of in-kind support in the form of printing, advertising space and school mailings.

9. Approved the addition of one teacher’s name to the Professional Development Facilitators name bank, which is used as a source of appointments to the Professional Development Facilitators corps as the need arises.

10. Approved revisions to the frame of reference of the Campus Saint-Jean Area Field Experiences Committee.

11. Named field members to serve on Association committees and to represent the Association on the committees of other organizations in 2015/16.

12. Approved an administrative guideline regarding specialist councils’ financial contracts; deleted an administrative guideline regarding staff cellphone ownership and usage for Association business; and amended administrative guidelines regarding room rental and catering rates, a per-capita grant and taxable benefits. ❚

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