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More than 200 students from 28 schools across Alberta participated in the Cardboard Boat Race hosted by Skills Canada ÂAlberta on Nov. 3.

The competition tests participants’ skills in design and construction, problem solving and teamwork. Students had to build vessels that could float and support the weight of three passengers. Contestants then tested their creations by attempting to paddle them the length of the 25-metre pool. While several of the less seaworthy crafts capsized, all students appeared to enjoy the experience.

The Cardboard Boat Race was one of many activities held during Skilled Trades and Technology Week in Canada, an initiative of Skills Canada to bring awareness to a growing skilled-labour shortage and to encourage students to develop their trade and technology skills. A shortage of more than one million skilled workers is anticipated by 2020, and an estimated 40 per cent of all new jobs created will be in the trades.