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The Alberta Teachers’ Association
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Alberta Teachers' Association
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ATA News
Volume 49 2014-15
Number 6
Kenyan photo
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Kenyan delegates
November 4, 2014
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A delegation of eight Kenyan officials representing government, K –12 education and post-secondary institutions engage in a discussion during a visit to Barnett House on Oct. 21. The group heard presentations on a variety of topics, including the history of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, current bargaining processes, the Code of Professional Conduct, professional development and the ATA’s international co-operation initiatives. The Kenyan delegates, led by Senator Daniel Dickson Karaba, visited Alberta to gain a better understanding of its K – 12 education system and post-secondary institutions. ATA staff and Kenyan delegates exchanged ideas and discovered several similarities and differences during a hosted luncheon.
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