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2015 Great Kids Awards nominations now open
Do you know a remarkable young person? Has this person had a positive impact on you or your community? Consider nominating him or her for a Great Kids Award!
The Great Kids Award recognizes children and youth who do great things every day — at home, at school and in their community. From starting a fundraising campaign to being a well-rounded student, to showing leadership inside and outside the classroom, they demonstrate outstanding leadership, determination, generosity and compassion.
Nominations are open Oct. 9 to Dec. 9. Event sponsor Fantasyland Hotel will host the awards ceremony in Edmonton in May 2015. All winners will receive a trophy and accommodations at the Fantasyland Hotel. Learn more at
Project Heroes
A new military history project opens its doors on Nov. 3.
Project Heroes is an exhibition of portraits and stories with soldiers’ photos, letters, poetry and videos accessed via smartphones. Organized by three Edmonton-area artists, the exhibition displays a history of Canada’s military involvement over the last 100 years and delves into the impact of war on soldiers and their families.
The exhibit will operate until Dec. 31 at the Prince of Wales Armouries Heritage Centre at 10440 108 Ave. in Edmonton. The exhibition is free and open to class groups during the centre’s hours of operation: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday and Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday.
More information is available at or by calling Cindy Revell at 780-974-3044.
Veterans’ Week and Remembrance Day resources
Alberta schools will recognize Veterans’ Week from Nov. 5 to 11. This week is an opportunity for students to learn about national history and express their gratitude for the sacrifices of Canadian soldiers. The Alberta social studies program includes a strong focus on teaching and learning history, emphasizing Canada’s origins and our role in significant world events. To access a wide variety of resources to assist in observing Veterans’ Week and Remembrance Day, check out
Healthy School Communities Award
The Healthy School Community Award celebrates positive health outcomes for children and youth in four award categories: individual, school, community and school district. This year’s application deadline is Oct. 31.
The award celebration will occur at the 2015 Shaping the Future Conference, and the costs associated with travel, accommodation and conference fees will be subsidized. The application is available at
10e concours national de rédaction!
Pour aider les élèves canadiens de la 10e à la 12e année à poursuivre des études postsecondaires en français, l’organisme Le français pour l’avenir offrira en 2015, en partenariat avec huit établissements, dont pour l’Alberta le Campus Saint-Jean et l’Université de Lethbridge, plus de 200 000 $ en bourses, d’une valeur de 1 000 à 12 000 $ chacune.
Sujet de la rédaction cette année : Michaëlle Jean, l’ancienne gouverneure générale du Canada, a dit : « Le sport, la culture et les arts sont des nécessités qui unissent les communautés et donnent aux jeunes un moyen de s’exprimer. » Es-tu d’accord avec cette citation? Pourquoi?
Date et heure de fermeture du concours : le 19 décembre à 23h 59.
Pour vous inscrire et obtenir tous les renseignements nécessaires, ouvrez cette page du site French for the Future/Français pour l’avenir :
Stories and photos wanted
The ATA News is always on the lookout for interesting articles, photos and cartoons. Articles should not exceed 500 words and should be accompanied by a short byline, stating where you work and what you teach. Photos of teachers or students participating in interesting activities are welcome, as are cartoons. Don’t forget to include photo captions. Please note: Receipt of material does not guarantee its publication. Send your submissions to Managing Editor, the ATA News, 11010–142 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2R1 or submit electronically to