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ATA salutes the retiring Dave Hancock

September 23, 2014

Then premier Dave Hancock greets parade watchers during the K-Days parade in Edmonton on July 18. A former education minister, Hancock officially turned over the premiership to Jim Prentice Sept. 15.

Alberta teachers lost an important friend and advocate when Dave Hancock resigned as Alberta’s premier, said Alberta Teachers’ Association president Mark Ramsankar.

Hancock announced his resignation Sept. 12, and it became official Sept. 15, shortly before newly elected PC leader Jim Prentice was sworn in as premier.

“Alberta teachers will be losing an important friend of and advocate for public education within government. We hope he will continue to be a strong voice outside,” Ramsankar said.

The ATA president noted that Hancock’s contributions to public life in Alberta have extended over two decades and a wide variety of positions and portfolios. Regardless of his specific role, Hancock has had a continuing interest in and commitment to public education at all levels, Ramsankar said.

He also noted that Hancock has consistently expressed his appreciation of teachers’ work and has spoken often of the many teachers in his family. He observed that Hancock, during his time as minister of education, was a visionary who ensured that meaningful prior and ongoing consultation with teachers and their professional association was an integral part of formulating education policy.

“Whenever I met Dave, he was wearing on his lapel a Children First pin,” Ramsankar said. “For him this was not just a slogan but a life commitment. On behalf of Alberta’s 36,000 teachers, I want to extend to the Honourable Dave Hancock our thanks for his service and our best wishes as he moves on to new challenges.” ❚

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