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Your Views

April 21, 2015

Education issues from Twitter

Student Vote @studentvote: We have kid-friendly profiles of Alberta’s political parties on our #abvote election website:

Cherra-Lynne Olthof @cherraolthof: Yay!  My @studentvote package arrived today!

Frank McCallum @frankiemaccal: School boards are elected by & answerable to their communities. Having #abed freeze surpluses strips responsibility from boards.

Global Edmonton @GlobalEdmonton: 36 students, 32 desks: Alberta parents hope video will prevent education cuts:

AB’s Student Voice @AB_StudentVoice: Students must be heard — we are literally the future of AB. 

Patricia Gagnon @senoragagnon: Every #vote sends a message. Not voting only indicates #apathy.

Student Vote @studentvote: 600+ Alberta schools have registered for Student Vote! Still time to get your class involved.

1ABVote @1ABVote: Efforts by groups such as Support Our Students and others are having an impact. Good work everyone.

AB’s Student Voice @AB_StudentVoice: Cuts to education are cuts to our future. #cutsHurt #studentsmatter

Matt Armstrong @ArmstrongYYC: I’m not too picky. At this point, I would take predictable OR sustainable in #abed funding.

Dave Matson @dave_matson: Gov’t cancels #SpeakOutAB Conference, claiming “unforeseen circumstances”. Unforeseen election, huh? #OopsIDroppedTheWrit

Letters to the Editor

Public sector misses out in cyclical Alberta

Thank you for the article “If burdens are for sharing, so is prosperity” Editorial, March 10.

You nailed it! For public sector employees to be eight per cent higher than the national average while private sector workers are 26 per cent higher isn’t sharing. We compete for the same housing, and other goods and services. There is no special pricing just for ­public servants.

The next stage in this cycle is for oil prices to come back up and the term “brain drain” to be floated around. Then there can be signing bonuses or other incentives to lure people to Alberta. Those of us who weather the cyclical storms miss out again.

Jerri Perrin
Grade 3/4 teacher
Veteran School

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