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Pupils grasp aboriginal culture

January 27, 2015
Holly Yuzicapi addresses the Grade 4 class of Dara Craig.

Belvedere School in Edmonton held a culture engagement week by hosting Holly Yuzicapi, a First Nation, Metis and Inuit education liaison with Edmonton Public Schools. Yuzicapi grew up on the Standing Buffalo First Nation in southern Saskatchewan and shared many of the customs she learned as a child, including traditional games, hide painting, beading, fish scale art and traditional footwear.

Grade 4 students Laiqa Patel and Abibah Kromah play Earth, Fire and Water, an aboriginal game that uses the same premise as Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Kindergarten students try their hand at aboriginal hide painting. This involves creating images by dabbing a series of dots with the end of a narrow stick.

Grade 4 pupil JC Serra catches a stick after tossing it in the air with the back of his hand, a form of an ancient aboriginal game he learned during Culture Engagement Week at Belvedere School.

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