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On Twitter
Sally Rudakoff @Srudakoff
I am concerned about the tidbit regarding tutors for AB families in today’s presser. Why are we not supporting the professionals in the classrooms? Those are $$ that could be used to support AB students in public schools.
CGouef @Cgouef
As a junior high music teacher, I rely on schools being safe and open so I can properly do my job. @AdrianaLaGrange must take steps to ensure that schools will be safe and that students and staff are properly equipped to safely do what we need to do.

On Facebook
On the minister walking back on the draft curriculum
Sarah Bara
Here, here!! A modified victory. English and math can’t be allowed to go forward. We have them on the back heel. Time to redouble efforts. No quarter can be given.
On the government’s return to school plan
Dave Martel
Basically, I work on a system where I expect the worst and most unorganized scenario. Then, if it turns out not to be a complete mess, I’m pleasantly surprised.
Elaine Hoekstra
An update about Grade 9 PATs at the end of January would be helpful. They lose a week of learning new concepts too.
Susanna Mauro Kaup
Let’s wait until everything is shut down so parents can’t make arrangements for their kids. Let’s wait so teachers and schools have to jump through hoops to make arrangements. This government has shown time and time again that families and education are not priorities. Let’s make sure we remember that loud and clear at the next election.
Michelle Fatica
I’m not opposed to going back into the classroom on Tuesday (I teach kindergarten). Online for the littles just isn’t fun, nor is it healthy or full of meaningful learning. I just wish there was better direction from the top, with time for the school boards to react and then make decisions that meet the best interests of staff and students. There is no easy answer no matter which side you are on (back to school or online).
Corey Lee
I’ve come to expect this from the UCP. Not surprising at all and it’s still frustrating to say the least.