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Association administrative guidelines provide for the attendance of observers at selected portions of Council meetings. Association members who are interested in observing selected portions of Council meetings at their own expense are advised to contact their district representative.
Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held June 28, 2021, via virtual platform
1. Appointed an Association representative to the board of the Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund, effective June 30, 2021.
Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held Aug. 9, 2021, via virtual platform
1. Approved in principle for distribution a document entitled “Priority Expectations of Alberta Teachers for the Return to School During the COVID-19 Pandemic—Fall 2021.”
2. Authorized the Association to provide the minister of education with a copy of an Association-led study consisting of an online survey open to all Alberta teachers, written submissions from select specialist councils and a one-day curriculum circle of classroom teachers who participated in guided conversations about the government’s draft K-6 curriculum, and to call for
1) a moratorium to be placed on piloting the K–6 draft curriculum and further development of the Grades 7–9 and 10–12 curricula;
2) a provincial curriculum committee to be established including representatives from the Alberta education stakeholder groups including Indigenous representatives and Alberta Francophone representatives, with the mandate to
a) develop a new framework for K–12 curriculum development,
b) oversee the development and piloting of a new K–12 curriculum,
c) oversee the development and/or selection of teaching and learning resources for the new K–12 curriculum, and
d) design and facilitate the implementation of the provincial curriculum;
3) the development of the curriculum to be led by curriculum working groups, including practising teachers identified by the profession, representatives of the Alberta teacher preparation institutions, experts in subject disc and members of the Alberta francophone community, as appropriate;
4) the curriciplines, human rights scholars, members of the Indigenous communityulum working groups to review and make all necessary revisions to the K–6 draft curriculum (2021) considering all the input received and draft the curriculum consistent with the well-established standards of an Alberta program of studies; and
5) the development of the curriculum to be open and transparent and include authentic opportunities for public consultation prior to piloting.
Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held Aug. 23, 2021, via virtual platform
1. Approved the 2021 public relations campaign concepts.
Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held Sept. 9, 2021, via virtual platform
1. Authorized the Association to conclude all legal proceedings with respect to the challenge of Treasury Board and Ministry of Finance Ministerial Order No 42/2020.
Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held Sept. 16–17, 2021, via virtual platform
1. Approved the final form of one electoral ballot for distribution to the membership, which would amend General Bylaw 70 to indicate that voting in a Provincial Executive Council election or byelection shall be done by electronic means in accordance with processes set out in the Association’s Administrative Guidelines.
2. Appointed Nancy Luyckfassel as associate co-ordinator in the Professional Development program area, effective Oct. 1, 2021.
3. Authorized disbursement of the 2021/22 budget for international cooperation for 12 international goals, including Project Overseas, Teachers’ Action for Gender Equality, Change for Children PD by Alberta Teachers and Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan.
4. Approved a $2,000 donation to MediaSmarts in support of Media Literacy Week, taking place Oct. 25–30, 2021.
5. Approved the names of four teachers for nomination to the Indigenous Education PD Facilitator Corps name bank.
6. In accordance with 31(2) of the Teaching Profession Act, approved an extension to the 120-day hearing time period for one outstanding case of alleged unprofessional conduct.
7. Received the report of a hearing committee that found a teacher guilty of one charge of unprofessional conduct. The teacher was convicted of an indictable offence under the Criminal Code and was therefore guilty of unprofessional conduct under the Teaching Profession Act. The hearing committee ordered the penalty of a declaration that the teacher be permanently ineligible for membership in the Alberta Teachers’ Association and a recommendation to the minister of education to cancel the teacher’s teaching certificate.
8. Received the report of a hearing committee that found a teacher guilty of one charge of unprofessional conduct for engaging in conduct for which the teacher was convicted of an indictable offense under the Criminal Code for unlawfully committing a sexual assault upon a person. The hearing committee imposed a penalty of a declaration of permanent ineligibility for membership in the Association and a recommendation to the minister of education to permanently cancel the teacher’s teaching certificate.
9. Received the report of a hearing committee that found a teacher guilty of two charges of unprofessional conduct for communicating with students through text messages about drug use, the teacher’s sexual activity, the students’ sexual activity, and sharing images and videos with students that were of a sexually graphic nature, thus failing to treat the students with dignity and respect and failing to be considerate of the students’ circumstances. The hearing committee imposed penalties of a letter of severe reprimand, a declaration that the teacher is permanently ineligible for membership in the Alberta Teachers’ Association, a fine of $2,000 and a recommendation to the minister of education to cancel the teacher’s teaching certificate.
10. Received the report of a hearing committee that found a teacher guilty of one charge of unprofessional conduct for engaging in conduct for which the teacher was convicted of an indictable offence under the Criminal Code of Canada for fraud exceeding $5,000. The hearing committee imposed a penalty of a letter of severe reprimand, a declaration of ineligibility for membership in the Association for a period of two years and a recommendation to the minister of education to suspend the teacher’s teaching certificate for a period of two years.
11. Received the report of a hearing committee that found a teacher guilty of one charge of unprofessional conduct for engaging in a physical struggle over a backpack with a student. The hearing committee imposed a penalty of a letter of reprimand.
12. Received the report of a hearing committee that found a teacher guilty of four charges of unprofessional conduct, for displaying poor physical boundaries while demonstrating skills to students during team drills and for making condescending remarks to students. The hearing committee ordered penalties of fines of $250 and letters of reprimand for each of the four charges.
13. a one-time addition of $750 to the equipment allowance provided to Council members for the 2021/22 fiscal year to assist with the purchase of equipment, such as computer chairs and desks, used during virtual meetings.
14. Approved for submission to the 2022 Annual Representative Assembly a resolution that long-term policy be amended to read, “When a substitute teacher is required to spend a school day on Association business, the Association pays for their time at [an average rate of substitute pay] the highest daily rate for substitute teachers within the province.” ❚