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Teachers should engage in school board elections

September 21, 2021 Elissa Corsi, ATA News Staff



The ATA is encouraging teachers to become informed about their local school board elections and to make choices that are best for public education … and students.


Teachers are encouraged to become active participants in their local school board elections.

Alberta Teachers’ Association president Jason Schilling points out that school boards are elected by and accountable to the communities they serve, not just to the parents of students enrolled in school.

“School board elections concern all citizens—whether you have children in school or not, we all have an interest in public education,” Schilling said.

He also noted that, collectively, school boards manage more than $6 billion in public funds dedicated to public education.

“Trustees have a fiduciary duty to act honestly and in good faith,” Schilling said.

On behalf of the electors, they make decisions about the board operation. Trustees represent the board and communicate with the public at school and board events and in meetings with school councils, parents or other members of the public.

“We elect trustees to be stewards of our interests and to make reasoned and responsible decisions,” Schilling said. “The full and active participation of all citizens, including teachers, in school board elections helps ensure that the best candidates are selected.” ❚


What school boards do:

  • Establish goals and priorities and set the overall direction for the school jurisdiction
  • Advocate for public education and the local school jurisdiction
  • Develop, acquire or offer courses, programs and/or instructional materials
  • Adopt an annual budget and allocate funds provided by the provincial government
  • Provide for parental and community involvement in schools
  • Maintain and operate school buildings, buses and other board property
  • Communicate with stakeholders (staff, students, parents or guardians, the public, Alberta Education) about school jurisdiction plans and results
  • Select a superintendent of schools and oversee their administrative work


Get informed

Information about the issues and the candidates
is available at

Election day: Oct. 18.


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