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PEC donation to help Ukrainian teachers


April 26, 2022 Audrey Dutka, ATA News Staff


Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held April 7–8, 2022, at Barnett House, Edmonton; and emergent meetings held March 7, March 14 and March 21, 2022, via electronic format.

1. Authorized a payment of $5,000 from contingency, payable to the Education International Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine (TUESWU) and the Free Trade Union of Education and Science in Ukraine (VPONU) Solidarity Fund, through the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE), to help TUESWU and VPONU members who are still in Ukraine or were forced to flee the country and are now refugees.

2. Authorized the Central Table Bargaining Committee to apply jointly with the Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association directly to a mediator to help facilitate ongoing discussions at the bargaining table.

3. Authorized the CTF/FCE to use 35 per cent of the Association’s 2020 Project Overseas contribution ($38,500) to support professional development programs of CTF/FCE partners throughout Africa and the Caribbean in 2022.

4. Authorized the CTF/FCE to use the Association’s remaining 2020 Project Overseas funds over and above $38,500 to make a donation, through the CTF/FCE, to UNICEF’s international vaccine campaign.

5. Authorized the purchase of a table of eight tickets for the Annual Parkland Institute Gala Dinner & Silent Auction, taking place on May 19, 2022.

6. Approved the proposed timeline and appointed members of Council to a selection committee for recruitment of the position of Executive Staff Officer, Teacher Employment Services. Council further authorized that the competition be restricted to candidates who provide service in both French and English.

7. In accordance with section 31(2) of the Teaching Profession Act, extended the deadline for the commencement of a hearing of the Professional Conduct Committee.

8. Received an appeal of a decision of a hearing committee and received a notice of a hearing of an appeal.

9. Approved amendments to the Administrative Guidelines in relation to the Association’s kilometrage rate.

10. Established an ad hoc Alberta Teachers’ Association Gender and Sexuality Alliance, under the general direction of the Diversity, Equity and Human Rights Committee, to organize activities to support sexual and gender minorities, encourage co-operation among local GSAs and provide service to teachers who cannot access a local GSA.

11. Amended the Edmonton Area Field Experiences Committee frame of reference and appointed field members to the Professional Conduct Complainant Appeal Committee and the Status of Racialized Teachers Working Group of the Diversity, Equity and Human Rights Committee. ❚

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