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Birthday bags help children in need


April 26, 2022 Stephanie MacPhail, Evergreen Local No. 11


Three years ago, Evergreen Local No. 11’s Diversity, Equity and Human Rights (DEHR) Committee approached the Edson Food Bank with an idea to supply birthday party supplies to families in need. Over 300 birthday bags later, the committee is proud to have supported countless children in celebrating their special day.

Three to four times per school year, the committee hosts donation drives within participating Edson schools. Students from École Westhaven School and École Pinegrove Middle School have embraced the initiative and have been eager to donate any items needed to organize a child’s birthday party. Boxes of cake mix, icing, disposable cake pans, candles, balloons and decorations are collected and then organized into the birthday bags and delivered to the food bank.
The committee has gained support from other community organizations. The Edson Lions and Kinette clubs have helped the project through monetary donations that are used by DEHR committee members to purchase any needed items not collected through the school donation drives.


A birthday bag program spearheaded by Evergreen Local
No. 11’s Diversity, Equity and Human Rights Committee
helps dozens of children each year in Edson.


The Edson Food Bank, which served 861 people in 2021 (including 280 children), reports that its clients are thrilled to receive the birthday bags. When asked why they were happy to donate to such a program, one Grade 2 student stated “I want the kids to have a fun day and all kids deserve to have a special day.” 

Members of the DEHR committee agree and are happy to continue this project with support from Edson schools, local organizations and the Edson Food Bank. ❚

Stephanie MacPhail is the DEHR committee chair for Evergreen Local No. 11.


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