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Kevin McBeath @mcbeatke
@Alberta_UCP needs desperately to change the channel & cause distraction. Be vigilant against the myths, misinformation & unfounded allegations against @albertateachers in their flurry of false-hoods. Make no mistake #Bill15 is an attack on teachers.
Kimberly Collis @thekimberlyiest
The fact that the children in our province will be forced into a brutal curriculum that was never fully piloted by ANYONE is egregious, flawed, and malicious on the part of the UCP.
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On the draft curriculum
Sandra Tedeschini
Has Adrianna LaGrange ever been in the classroom? Does she have an education background? Nev-ertheless, her knowledge of what kids should and should not learn is debatable; does she think that teachers want to change parts of the curriculum? Especially after the last 2 years! Very unfair Ms. LaGrange! Shame on you!
On Richard Rand’s discipline opinion article
Daniel Nelles
An EXCELLENT article from someone who’s actually been immersed in the world of professional dis-cipline for many years. It’s these sort of experts that should be informing legislative decisions, not uninformed speculation motivated solely by political point-scoring instead of the best interests of students and the public.
On education funding
Stephen Moses
Only a raise to make up for years of 0% will be sufficient. When are we going to stand up for our-selves and what we deserve as professionals? Eliminate the War Room and 30% wage increases for Kenney’s cronies and stand up against rollbacks for health care workers or we will be next. We have had too many years of doing great with less, now they want even more with even less.
"Mr. Speaker, rather than treating teachers as the enemy, this government should support them in their mission to help kids succeed. The government should show teachers the respect that they so rightfully deserve, and if they won’t, the UCP will be held accountable in the next election by teachers and by all Albertans who care about education."
- Sarah Hoffman, MLA