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Regal continues in role as CTF VP

August 31, 2021

Ottawa—ATA vice-president Jenny Regal was elected to a third term as vice-president of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) during that organization’s annual general meeting in July. The two-year term runs until 2023.

Taking over as CTF president is Sam Hammond, a long-time leader with the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO). Hammond was elected president-designate by acclamation in 2020 and officially took over for outgoing president Shelley Morse on July 15. Hammond says that he’s honoured to represent more than 300,000 elementary and secondary teachers from coast to coast to coast.

“I’ve been actively engaged in the critical work of the CTF since attending my first annual meeting in July 2004 and have worked tirelessly to solidify ETFO’s place in the labour movement,” Hammond said. “This has allowed me to forge solid alliances with unions and union leaders across the country. We should be very proud of our individual and collective efforts to protect our members, our fundamental collective bargaining rights and publicly funded public education.”

Besides Regal, the following three leaders in public education were elected CTF vice-presidents, serving two-year terms alongside Hammond on the executive committee from 2021 to 2023:

  • Clint Johnston, British Columbia Teachers’ Federation
  • Paul Wozney, Nova Scotia Teachers Union
  • Heidi Yetman, Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers ❚

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