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‘Tweet’ thoughts from the first week

September 24, 2019


On Sept. 6, ATA president Jason Schilling issued this tweet:

Jason Schilling @schill_dawg, Sep 6

Okay colleagues, I’ve been missing my students and colleagues this week, tell me something great about your first week back!

Here is a selection of responses:

Jonathan Sharek @jsharek

Finally, finally, I have a tuba player in the band! And she is great!

Lori Szmul @LSzmul

I taught a wonderful young man last year. He grew seven reading levels last year to hit grade level. His report card was excellent. Last day of school he cried and hugged me so very hard and wouldn’t let go — so happy. Met him in the hall first day and repeated the hug.

Alisha Sims @AlishaTeaches

As part of an Investigate the Teacher activity, a student concluded I enjoy my job and life. Had to agree, because I hang out with cool kids all day.

Susan Trechka @SueTrechka

I “retired” from full-time teaching in June after more than 30 years. I am subbing, because I knew I would miss the kids and my colleagues. Had the opportunity to sub already and was blessed with so many smiles and hugs!

Jaime Roberts @robertjascience

Realizing at lunch yesterday that I’d just spent almost two straight hours talking all things chemistry, and it was great! I hope some of my nerdy enthusiasm rubbed off on my students.

Jelena @JelenaJelenar

My students started the year by writing pep talks for themselves, which included plans for their futures. I modelled. We shared ideas and then they really wrote. We built trust and I got to know them! First in writing folders and all year. #IamtheATA

Ms Barrington @MsBarringtonCG

I moved to Gr. 3 after 8 years in Gr. 5 and LOVE it! A student stuck a sticky note on me on her way out telling me I was "the best teacher."

Kay Fuller @full_kay

I teach music in a K–9 school and my junior high band students asked to start a mentorship program with the elementary to promote music appreciation within our school community. Their passion and drive for music is inspiring!

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