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As good ol’ Kris Kringle puts the finishing touches on his “naughty or nice” list, here’s one last chance for you to get on his good side by tapping into your wealth of Christmas movie trivia. Test your knowledge to see if you’ll get a candy cane or lump of coal in your stocking this year.

- What piece of pop art was immortalized in A Christmas Story?
- What does the sound of a ringing bell on the family’s Christmas tree signify in It’s a Wonderful Life?
- Which Christmas classic was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being “culturally, historically or aesthetically significant”?
- The actor who played Clark Griswald’s son Rusty in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation also played a main character in what popular sitcom that ran from 2007 to 2019?
- In Home Alone, where did Kevin’s family go to spend Christmas?
Bonus question: True or false: The gangster movie that Kevin is watching on video is from a real film.
- How many ghosts appear to Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol?
- Which well-known Christmas movie starred George Clooney’s aunt?
- Who sang “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” in the 1966 cartoon How the Grinch Stole Christmas?
Bonus question: What other voice is he known for?
- In what year does The Polar Express take place?
- In the stop-motion 1964 classic, Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, how do Rudolph and the gang disarm Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster?
- What movie introduced the song “White Christmas”?
- What is the name of the villain in Die Hard?
- Peter Billingsley, the actor who played the lead role of Ralphie in A Christmas Story, also appeared in another classic Christmas movie. Name the movie and character.
- The song “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” comes from what movie?
- What is the name of Jack’s dog in the Nightmare Before Christmas?
Questions provided by ATA News staff.
1. A leg lamp. | 2. It means that an angel has just earned its wings (and that George Bailey’s guardian angel, Clarence, got his promotion). | 3. Miracle on 34th Street. | 4. The Big Bang Theory (Johnny Galecki as Leonard). | 5. Paris, France. Bonus question: False. Angels with Filthy Souls was created specifically for Home Alone. | 6. Four. | 7. White Christmas, in which Rosemary Clooney played half of a singing sister act. | 8. Thurl Ravenscroft (not Boris Karloff as many people believe). Bonus question: Tony the Tiger — “They’re Grrrrreat!” | 9. 1955 | 10. Hermey the elf removes all his teeth. | 11. Many believe it was released in the 1954 classic White Christmas, but it was actually introduced 12 years earlier in Holiday Inn, also starring Bing Crosby. | 12. Hans Gruber — not to be confused with Franz Gruber, the teacher who composed “Silent Night”) | 13. Ming-Ming the elf in Elf. | 14. Meet Me in St. Louis. | 15. Zero.