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“I’m a teacher in [insert country name] and I would like to teach in Alberta. Can you help me?”
It’s a question the Alberta Teachers’ Association gets asked often, both via social media and phone calls to the Member Services program area.
A new ATA resource is aimed at making it easier for internationally educated teachers to transition to teaching in Alberta.
Internationally educated teachers have usually been referred to the Alberta government for answers to this question, but a new Association publication aims to help overseas teachers find answers faster.
Internationally Educated Teachers: Welcome to Alberta goes through the various requirements to teach in Alberta, from interim to permanent certification to how to apply for a job. There is also a copy of the Code of Professional Conduct, information on university courses that could help fill in education gaps, and how the Teacher Qualifications Service can assess a teacher’s education for placement on the salary grid once they land a job.
“There are many advantages to hiring internationally educated teachers,” the guide says in its first chapter, explaining that many hold multiple degrees and come with many years of experience. In some cases they can share first-hand knowledge of immigrant or refugee experience with students; they can fulfill specific teaching context needs (like language-based programs); and they help create a diverse school community.
“Every country, and in Canada, every province, has different education and work experience requirements for teachers,” said Andrea Berg, an Association staff officer who worked on the publication.
“I’m so excited that we have this resource to offer teachers. I’m sure it will make the transition easier for those who are coming from other countries.”
To access the publication, go > The Teaching Profession > Becoming a Teacher. ❚