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Council supports gender identity conference

PEC Points

October 15, 2019 Audrey Dutka, ATA News Staff


Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held Aug. 12, 2019, in Banff.

1. Named three members of Council to a staff selection committee for the position of Executive Staff Officer, Professional Development, with the position commencing at a mutually agreeable date.

2. Extended a contract position for a media relations officer for a period of up to six months, with services to be provided between Sept. 1, 2019 and April 30, 2020.

3. Disbanded the Steering Committee on Governance Review with thanks and authorized the  Table Officers Committee to manage the consideration of the Governance Review Report, and any further action relating to the governance review.

4. Named Council and field members to the Women in Leadership Committee and named field members to the Pension Committee.


Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held Sept. 19–20, 2019, at Barnett House in Edmonton.

1. Authorized disbursement of the 2019/20 budget for international co-operation for 12 international goals, including Project Overseas, ATA Dominica IT Project Summer Institute and Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan.

2. Approved a $2,000 donation to MediaSmarts to help sponsor Media Literacy Week, taking place October 7–11, 2019.

3. Approved a $1,000 contribution and in-kind support for the 6th Annual Alberta Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Alliance Conference hosted by the University of Alberta Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services.

4. Received the report of a hearing committee, which found a teacher guilty on four charges of unprofessional conduct. Charges one and two were for making inappropriate comments to students, of a nonsexual nature, thereby failing to treat students with dignity and respect and be considerate of their circumstances and failing to maintain the honour and dignity of the profession. Charges three and four were for forcibly restraining a student against a wall, which was inappropriate for the situation, thereby failing to treat the student with dignity and respect and be considerate of their circumstances and failing to maintain the honour and dignity of the profession. 

The hearing committee imposed the penalties of a single letter of severe reprimand for all four charges, a declaration of ineligibility for membership in the Association for a period of three months and a recommendation to the minister of education to suspend the teacher’s teaching certificate for a period of three months.

5. Received the report of a hearing committee, which found a teacher guilty on two charges of unprofessional conduct. The committee found that the teacher acted contrary to the acceptable teacher–pupil relationship and failed to maintain the honour and dignity of the profession by accompanying a student while in Europe and paying for the student’s flight, lodging, food and activities for the trip. 

A joint submission on penalty was provided recommending penalties of a letter of reprimand and a $3,000 fine for charge one and a letter of severe reprimand and a $3,000 fine for charge two. 

6. Received the report of a hearing committee, which found a teacher guilty on two charges of unprofessional conduct. The committee found that the teacher failed to act in a manner which maintains the honour and dignity of the profession by yelling profane language, and/or making obscene hand gestures at other coaches and/or officials and/or parents, and failed to treat pupils with dignity and respect and/or be considerate of their circumstances by demonstrating poor sportsmanship to young athletes.

The hearing committee imposed penalties of a letter of reprimand to encompass both charges and a fine of $300. 

7. Approved that Council be given the opportunity for professional development training regarding gender bias, racial bias and reconciliation.

8. Approved, for submission to the 2020 Annual Representative Assembly, a resolution to amend policy by substitution to read, “the Government of Alberta should operate a central repository of online teaching and learning resources to support curriculum implementation and instruction.”

9. Approved an overexpenditure of up to $10,000 to provide for the translation of policy into French.

10. Approved the frame of reference for the Rocky View Schools Teacher Welfare Committee.

11. Established the Committee on Council Election Processes, approved its membership and frame of reference and elected Council members to serve on the committee.

12. Elected Council members to the Central Table Bargaining Committee. ❚

Association administrative guidelines provide for the attendance of observers at selected portions of Council meetings. Association members who are interested in observing selected portions of Council meetings at their own expense are advised to contact their district representative.


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