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Across the province, many schools are coming up with creative ways to recognize their graduates! We asked teachers how their schools were celebrating their excellent grads.

We loaded up two buses with staff members and personally went to each graduate’s house on May 23. We had a grad box for each graduate that contained their cap and graduation certificate, along with any awards or scholarships that they may have received. We played Pomp and Circumstance as the graduate and their family gathered on their doorstep or front lawn, and pictures were taken of this special day for them.
Kevin Sheen
Matthew Halton High School
Pincher Creek
We are hosting our mass and ceremony using live feed/YouTube. I will speak live, use recorded speeches from others. For the traditional diploma part, each grad will have a slide with their picture and mission statement that will be read. We were able to rent their grad gowns for three weeks so they can them pick up, take family pictures on their own and wear them during the online ceremony (all contactless pick up and drop of). It will be awesome!
Jodi DeKlerk
Notre Dame Collegiate
High River
We are hand-delivering grad packages to students with a podium and mini ceremony at each stop.
Jennifer Light Vermillion
Bonnyville Centralized High School
We are doing a Grade 9 farewell video for our kids, with speeches and awards online. We are a CBE school; it’s up to each school to come up with ideas.
Sylvain Renaud
We put up banners on our main street. We will have individual banners for each graduate and will have a small ceremony for them on the 19th of June.
Sylvie Dumont
École du Sommet
St. Paul
Our high school hand-delivered a beautiful package to the grads with their cap. Our local ski hill is also doing a grad where the students can ride the chair lift and have their picture taken.
Nathalie Lavigne-Sikora
Red Deer
My high school hand-delivered certificates, caps and tassels along with personalized bumper stickers for 382 graduates. Proud to work here! And proud of our graduates!
Lesley Jean Young
Hunting Hills High School
Red Deer

Grad parade. Grads driving the parade route, townspeople six-foot distancing, cheering and celebrating their success from the sidewalks.
Sharalyn Joy
Milk River Elementary
Milk River
Congratulations to all grads from the Alberta Teachers’ Association