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Task force addresses student transportation

May 20, 2020 ATA News Staff


The province has struck a new task force to provide recommendations on the future of student transportation across the province.

Chaired by Lethbridge-East MLA Nathan Neudorf, the task force also includes four other government MLAs and 13 members from the student transportation industry, community partners and various education organizations. The group will meet virtually until further notice and provide recommendations in the fall.

Since there is no direct representation by the teaching profession on the task force, Alberta Teachers’ Association president Jason Schilling said the ATA will watch how it rolls out and offer its input if needed.

“We hope the task force makes an effort to talk to principals and other school leaders, as busing does impact the scheduling of the school day and other decisions that may have pedagogical implications,” Schilling said. ❚

Student Transportation Task Force members

MLA representatives

  • Nathan NeudorfMLA for Lethbridge – East, chair
  • Tracy AllardMLA for Grande Prairie
  • Michaela GlasgoMLA for Brooks–Medicine Hat
  • Nate HornerMLA for Drumheller–Stettler
  • Matt JonesMLA for Calgary–South East

Representatives from key education and community partners

  • Josée DevaneyFédération des Conseils Scolaires Francophones de l’Alberta
  • Dexter DurfeyAssociation of School Business Officials of Alberta
  • Trisha EstabrooksAlberta School Boards Association
  • Brenda GibsonCollege of Alberta School Superintendents
  • Andrew KnackAlberta Urban Municipalities Association
  • Jody McKinnonStudent Transportation Association of Alberta
  • Kathy RooyakkersRural Municipalities of Alberta
  • Jacquie SurgenorAlberta School Councils’ Association
  • Chris GilmoreAssociation of Alberta Public Charter Schools

Representatives from student transportation industry groups

  • Yacine Belhadj First Student, Inc.
  • Mark Critch Sparksman Transportation
  • Brian HauptmanGolden Arrow Buses
  • Jonathan Weal Pacific Western Transportation (Southland Transportation)


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