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The ATA has your PD

April 28, 2020



The ATA’s PD program area has a wealth of recorded and interactive sessions available for teachers working in isolation.

Staff in the ATA’s Professional Development program area are continually updating the schedule of online support and sessions that are available to help teachers with online teaching and learning. Members should keep an eye on Twitter and frequently check PD’s Facebook page as well updates on the Sched platform.

As a member you have access to

  • a wide variety of live interactive PD Sessions (Zoom*) offered by PD staff;
  • a wide variety of recorded PD sessions — any time, any place, any pace;
  • ConnectEd Chats (Zoom*) — interact with teachers from all over the province in a moderated discussion forum;
  • LibGuides (Library Guides) — all kinds of tools for teachers;
  • workshops online (coming soon); and
  • self-study modules (coming soon).

Keep up to date with the latest online offerings from your PD program area:

Where sessions have been recorded, the “Video Stream” link is replaced with a direct link to the session recording. To quickly see a listing of all recorded webinars, use the filter options for “Recording Available.” ❚


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