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Members posted many comments on the ATA News’ decision to seek and publish a submission by Education Minister Adriana LaGrange on women who inspired her to be a leader. The piece was published Feb. 25 as part of a feature package recognizing International Women’s Day, then later shared via a post on the ATA’s Facebook page.

Facebook Feedback
Deborah Nicholson
I am more than disappointed about the inclusion of LaGrange. I consider her anathema to education and everything I value as an educator. This is a serious misstep, ATA. We should be facing this woman across a bargaining table, not holding her up as a role model. There was no need to “play nice” with the UCP. I am not happy with my ATA.
Nicole Mooney
WHO seriously thought this would be a good idea? I love the ATA and I stand up for the Association all the time, and this feels like a slap in the face to me. This is truly hurtful.
Raymond McRae
I am very disappointed and saddened that our organization would give a great big soapbox opportunity to the same UCP minister who is in the process of dismantling our public education system. She has been spouting antipublic education, UCP rhetoric since she was appointed. How did our organization possibly think it was a good idea to help her spread her backward views under our auspices.
Nicole Burant
You are first and foremost the public representative of TEACHERS! Non-partisan or not, to feature anyone who is actively working against teachers, students and the education system as a whole should never be featured in a positive light by our representatives. We pay you to represent our values. Your membership has clearly spoken their disapproval with the choice of including LaGrange in this article (and frankly I cannot believe that wasn’t obvious before you wrote it).
Allison Dakin
Really, ATA? There are lots of women out there that are not cutting funds to special needs children. It is tone deaf to include Minister LaGrange at this time ... this is disappointing.
Jennifer Smith
OK, I’m so confused. For a moment there I thought the choice to feature you-know-who was a bit of satire. But, alas, a sad mistake.
Ryan Bailey
As we all know, often Facebook picks the thumbnail. ATA fixed it. We can put down the pitchforks and, trust me, I’m no fan of LaGrange.
Tammy Romaniuk
This isn’t The Beaverton?

On Twitter
Allison Jade @allisonjade
Hi ATA, you can be non-partisan without using someone who is dismantling what you stand for as an idol.
Lisa Hannay @lhannay1
Have to agree with the other commenters. Could have asked another one of the only 14 per cent female superintendents instead of a politician. She does not belong in the same category as any of the female leaders I recognize and admire.
Cassandra M @Mcasperc
I’m very surprised the word “leader” is even being attached to the current minister. The fact that hers is first almost made me not even read the rest of this article. Not sure if this is an olive branch attempt of sorts, but this makes me incredibly uncomfortable.