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On Twitter
Adriana LaGrange @AdrianaLaGrange
“I want to wish all of our teachers, education staff, students and parents a happy back to school! All the best for a great 2020!”
Dr. Wing Kar Li @karliwithakay
Our brand new school library will open this month, without a librarian. She was let go in November because of your govt’s funding cuts. So, I don’t know what to do with your well wishes, Minister.
Jay Guevara @DrJayDrNo
“I want to wish all remaining 17 teachers in Alberta a happy back to school! Step out of line, and you’re getting sent to the oilsands. All pens must be filled with bitumen.”
Cherra-Lynne Olthof @cherraolthof
Thanks. Can I have my pension back?
Jen Rinehart @rinehart_jen
Let’s keep reminding [the public] why we are one of the top performing education systems in the world! I spent my break working on a term paper and a unit plan. Share your story!
Nicole Felicitas @llivelearnteach
A teacher’s job doesn’t stop at 3:30 p.m. on a weekday... It’s Sunday and I’m marking 47 social studies tests of which are 10 long answer questions. Do the math. I’ve been marking for over an hour and I’m not even a quarter done.
On the education minister’s response to PISA scores
Benjamin Proulx @BP_SherwoodPark
Some of the highest scores in the world, and LaGrange finds a way to complain that Alberta’s education system is on the “decline.” This woman is not fit to be education minister.
Joey Oberhoffner @oberhoffner
Every year, Alberta students rank among the world’s best. Yet if you listen to the #UCP, we’re graduating illiterate Marxists.

Facebook Feedback
On the #MyClassSizeIs letter writing campaign
Roo Sell
It’s the public that needs to be made aware of the degradation of classroom conditions. The public, whose children suffer most, are the only ones with the power to change this.
On the transfer of ATRF assets to AIMCo
Stacee Would
Theft. Breach of trust. Unethical. Greedy. Unwarranted. Possibly illegal. I feel those would be some other words that describe the provincial government’s money grab of MY future pension.
Desmond Kleinschroth
I often joked about being on the freedom 95 plan. It might not be a joke!
Charlotte Joan
“Ensure the best use of taxpayer dollars” — you mean our dollars?
Bill Ressler
The government seems to set up a board to study everything, yet here there was NO consultation.