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This... From ATA President Greg Jeffery

World Teachers’ Day the best ever

October 16, 2018


You are likely already aware of the sculpture dedication that took place on the grounds of the Alberta legislature this past World Teachers’ Day, Oct. 5. It was a great day to be an Alberta teacher, and I wanted to share some of my thoughts and feelings with you. 

The sculpture — The Garden — was the final piece in our celebration of the Association’s 100th anniversary, and it was a more than fitting wrap-up to a terrific year of acknowledging the work of teachers over the last century. Planning the celebration events began in 2016, and our ad hoc committee was tasked not only with planning the year but also with selecting the work of art to be dedicated to the citizens of Alberta. 

After this selection took place, we committee members were sworn to silence about the choice we’d made. We succeeded in keeping the secret for more than a year and a half. While we had seen a small model and illustrations of the artists’ concept, it was not until I saw photos from the installation that I truly appreciated the meaningfulness of the piece. 

I am not going to share my thoughts here about my own interpretation of the art, as everyone should see it up close to get their own feelings about it. However, I will share the pride I felt as an Alberta teacher witnessing it and the honour I felt in dedicating it to the people of our province. Every student who takes a bus to the legislature for a field trip will see the sculpture, as it is located right at the bus unloading zone. Plan a bit of extra time for some photos when you travel there with your class.

On that glorious blue sky Alberta morning I was filled with emotion, and I truly felt our hashtag for the day was correct — #BestWTDEver. Please let me know your thoughts when you witness the piece up close. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. ❚

I welcome your comments — contact me at

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