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Symposia aimed at increasing understanding of teaching and leadership standards
The revised Teaching Quality Standard and new Leadership Quality Standard that are set to take effect on Sept. 1 will present new challenges to school and jurisdiction leaders, so the Alberta Teachers’ Association has partnered with Alberta Education to host a series of one-day symposia around the province.
The intent of the symposia is twofold. First, to provide school and jurisdiction leaders with a deeper understanding of the competencies and indicators associated with the revised Teaching Quality Standard (TQS) and the new Leadership Quality Standard (LQS). Second, to provide materials and demonstrate processes that school and jurisdiction leaders can use to develop classroom teachers’ understanding of the changes associated with the standards.
This spring, symposia will be held in the following locations:
Red Deer
Fort McMurray
Edmonton (francophone) |
March 21
April 2
April 10
April 16
April 25
May 6
Participants who attend one of the symposia will receive a package of materials to take back to their schools to share with teachers. They will participate in presentations on the following topics:
- The Teaching Quality Standard: An Orientation to the Revised Standard
- The Leadership Quality Standard: An Orientation to the Standard
- The TQS/LQS: Inclusive Practices
- The TQS/LQS: Moving from Inspiring to Requiring: Changing the Conversation on Indigenous Education
- TQS/LQS: You Can Be an Instructional Leader in Assessment!
Last fall, symposia were held in Grande Prairie, Edmonton, Medicine Hat, Calgary and Vermilion. Individuals who attended one of these events are welcome to register for concurrent symposia in Edmonton or Calgary. Those who choose to do so will be able to more deeply investigate the TQS/LQS and share their successes and challenges in supporting teachers in implementing the new TQS.
Background info
In February 2018, the education minister signed ministerial orders bringing into force a revised Teaching Quality Standard (TQS), a new Leadership Quality Standard (LQS) and a new Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard (SLQS). The three standards will come into effect on Sept. 1, 2019.
More information
For more information or details about registration, please contact Mardi Veinot in the Professional Development program area: at
Frequently asked questions
Who can attend?
Principals, vice-principals, associate principals, assistant principals and jurisdiction leaders
Does this have anything to do with LQS certification?
No. This one-day symposia is not to be confused with the two-day inservices leading to certification that are occurring throughout 2019 for those who qualify for certification in the Leadership Quality Standard (LQS).
If I attended a symposium in the fall, can I attend one in the spring?
Yes. You can expect to have a different experience if you attend again.
Is it OK to share the materials I receive at the symposium with colleagues back at my school?
Absolutely. Please feel free to share materials with your colleagues at your school or other schools throughout your jurisdiction. The materials are intended to support teachers with the implementation of the new TQS. ❚
Participant feedback
Here are some comments from previous symposium participants:
Excellent presentation throughout the day! Very engaging and thought-provoking! The day gave me a lot to reflect on regarding both LQS and TQS.
The day was very well-done and facilitated. Aspects of TQS and LQS were well-articulated.
The sessions gave me some vital background info and helped bridge the gap between the old version of the TQS and the new version.
Sessions helped me dig into the new TQS and talk about how it will work.
It was great to be provided with an overview of the new TQS and LQS as well as have time to discuss implementation with neighbours.