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Your Views

November 6, 2018

Facebook Feedback

On land-based learning

Lesley Haney

Land-based learning and forest school strategies ought to become more prominent in ALL of Alberta’s curriculums; early childhood, elementary, junior, and senior!

On editorial “Approving new curriculum just the first step”

Bob Cocking

Very informative and helpful summary of the new curriculum! Thanks Jonathan!

On Viewpoints column by Michael Janz: “Quality at stake when funding cuts are considered.”

Reta Yvonne

Excellent article by an Edmonton board trustee. Love the challenge that he gives to other boards and trustees!

On the ATA Magazine

Jamie Biggs-Tillotson

Have we, as a union, ever considered preparing this [ATA Magazine] as a digital download? I know my school, and family, is trying to be more conscious of waste and our footprint and the sheer volume of glossy magazines produced seems wasteful. It would likely be financially responsible to members as well. Just a thought.

On Twitter

Maria Murray @ariajmurray:

“Teachers want what students need.” Truth — I often feel like I am failing my students because even doing my best, they aren’t getting what they need because of the issues we deal with. Those beautiful, complex minds deserve the best.

Jonathan Sharek @jsharek:

Irony alert: obsessing with “results,” accountability, austerity, ideology & quick fixes won’t improve the culture of education in the province.

Kitty Cochrane @kittycochrane:

Thank you @KristopherWells for working so hard and selflessly to help Alberta LGBTQ youth and adults feel safe, supported and wanted in schools. So glad to hear you speak @ATALocal48 Institute PD Day.


Instead of GSA being an extraordinary conversation, we want it to be an ordinary conversation. First GSA in AB, in 2000. Now 100s of GSAs at all grade levels.

Heather Quinn @HQuinnLocal37:

Early morning! Getting ready to continue the Professional Conduct Committee Orientation process. Started last night, continues today. Proud to be a part of a profession that offers transparency & clarity in the discipline process of its members!


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