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Council approves election readiness plan
Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held Oct. 25–26 at Barnett House in Edmonton
1. Approved in principle, and referred to Finance Committee for review and costing,
a proposed list of programs on which the
Association should focus in 2019/20.
2. Approved the Association’s 2019 Election Readiness Plan for implementation and an expenditure of up to $255,000 from the Special Emergency Fund for activities outlined in the plan.
3. Consistent with section 31(2) of the Teaching Profession Act, extended the deadlines for the commencement of two hearings of the Professional Conduct Committee.
4. Approved that the Committee on Convention Review, in consultation with the executive secretary and the coordinator, Professional Development, develop for presentation and approval by Provincial Executive Council a process plan for validating the committee’s draft report, completing a final report and implementing approved recommendations, with estimated costs of up to $5,000 allocated from Contingency.
5. Named members to the Election Rules Appeal Panel and authorized the executive secretary to appoint one of those members as chair.
6. Authorized the executive secretary to conclude contracts for the purpose of facilitating online voting on matters arising from central table bargaining processes with costs charged as an overexpenditure to the Teacher Welfare–Bargaining–Negotiations budget line.
7. Approved the addition of up to 1.0 FTE editing capacity for a term not to exceed 10 months, with costs authorized as an overexpenditure from the appropriate staff budgeting line.
8. Approved the addition of 1.0 FTE communications capacity for a term not to exceed 10 months, with costs authorized as an overexpenditure from the appropriate staff budgeting line.
9. Notwithstanding administrative guideline 31.9.11, approved that all interested members of Council may attend the CTF Women’s Symposium and Women Deliver Conference 2019 taking place in Vancouver from June 3–6, 2019.
10. Approved the terms of reference for the trustee of the Northern Rivers Teachers’ Convention Association, approved the constitution of the Northern Rivers Teachers’ Convention Association and amended the constitutions of the Central East Alberta Teachers’ Convention Association and the Northeast Teachers’ Convention Association to allow for their dissolution on April 1, 2019.
11. Approved the Guidelines for Local Collective Bargaining 2018.
12. Named a member of Council to the Political Engagement Committee and named field members to serve on Association committees and other external committees.
13. Ratified a collective agreement with the Executive Staff Association extending to September 2020. ❚