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What is your favourite memory of the school year?
Krysten Elizabeth
We’ve been travelling to different places in Canada (Meteghan, Saskatoon and Iqaluit) in Grade 2 on our classroom “plane.” At the beginning of each unit, they have to show their boarding passes, and I check their luggage. The moments as they board the plane and exit are hilarious. One student whispered to me that he is the FBI agent and to not worry, he has his handcuffs if anyone isn’t behaving. Another student tipped me with cash they had made. They also have packed things in their luggage (paper bags with handles) like drawings of their parents, paper phones to call their siblings, a drawing of a special necklace, a favourite game, etc. Some of the things they think are necessary to bring on our trip are pretty funny.
Lori Karoly Szmul
I have a student in Grade 5 who did the classic “bye Mom, love you” as she walked out of my class. She giggled through her embarrassment and decided to make it our thing. Every day she waits to be last, and flounces out the door waving “bye bye, I love you!” Her mom thinks it’s hysterical.
Devon Joel Donahue-Reid
First thing in the morning, a student I’ve really bonded with walks into the room and sees me. He breathes this sigh of relief and says “Oh, thank goodness! I didn’t do my hair properly today either.” Immediately, I frantically started fixing my hair and told him how I’d spent a half hour on my hair that morning. He realizes I’m a bit offended and becomes exasperated at his mistake. He exclaims, “I’m sorry! I’m just trying to bond with you!” Although he didn’t mean to insult me, I loved how he was authentically him at that moment. It made my day, actually, as I had a really good laugh.
Nicole Mooney
I got to spend an afternoon playing Murder Mystery with a group of students, in which the vast majority of suspects turned out to be KGB double agents. It was glorious.
Cassandra Greve
Going back to visit my students with my two-month-old son. They were in love and so thoughtful, giving him shade (we were outside), smiling and talking gently with him.
Carmen Todosychuk Wasylynuik
After working with a student for almost three years, last week I chaperoned him to Halifax, NS, to participate in the National Skills Competition. I have never taught this provincial gold medalist student a course at school, but I did get to work with him on the side, specific to this national competition. Last week he said to me, “Mrs. Was, you’re not a teacher or a chef, you’re my friend.” To me, the best part of teaching is building relationships and lifelong friendships with the young adults I teach.