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Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge that funds held in trust for the benefit of teachers by the Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund be listed in an accessible manner.
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to require that all staff, except those presenting valid medical exemptions, working in publicly funded K–12 schools and district sites which receive public funds be vaccinated.
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association petition the Canadian Teachers’ Federation to urge the Government of Canada to immediately ensure clean drinking water is available to all communities in Canada.
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Canadian Teachers’ Federation to advocate for the right to clean drinking water in all Canadian communities.
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to amend the Alberta Certificate of High School Achievement requirements as follows:
• 30-level Knowledge and Employability occupational course, or
• Advanced level (3000 series) in Career and Technology Studies courses, or
• 30-level locally developed course with an occupational focus, or
• 30-level Knowledge and Employability Workplace Practicum course, or
• 30-level Work Experience course, or
• 30-level Green Certificate course, or
• Special Projects 30
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to exempt students with English as an additional language (EAL), benchmarked below ESL proficiency level 4, from Grade 6 and 9 provincial achievement tests.
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to change the practice of assigning a score of zero to students who are exempt from writing provincial achievement tests.
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association bargain on to the list of all matters paid leave for teachers to celebrate their religious and cultural holidays.
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association create a status of women committee.
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the provincial and federal governments to pass legislation that would make it unlawful for benefit providers to reduce or eliminate the life insurance payout to beneficiaries when the covered member is over age 65 and still employed by their school authority or government department.
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge preservice institutions in Alberta to require that all preservice teachers receive education in Indigenous peoples’ histories as founding nations.
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge preservice institutions in Alberta to require that all preservice teachers receive education in antiracism as it relates to all cultures and cultural minorities.
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association display the Canadian flag, Alberta flag, Treaty 6 flag and Métis flag at Barnett House.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association affirm and respect the right of individual parents to exclude their children from participation in instructional activities relating to human sexuality.
Parkland Teachers’
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association promote gender equity in underrepresented areas within the profession.
Parkland Teachers’
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association study and report on changing the term length of elected Provincial Executive Council positions, with a report made available by October 1, 2019.
Rocky View
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school authorities to designate days in lieu for teachers where parent–teacher interviews and student-led conferences are held outside of school hours.
Rocky View
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to provide funding for the purposes of providing lunch supervisors so that teachers can have a 30-minute, duty-free break.
Pembina Hills
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association explore ways to educate members about the budget and budget processes.
Pembina Hills
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association engage in a full review of budgeting processes.
Pembina Hills
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association negotiate with the Government of Alberta to remove the 0.6 FTE limit on work when holding a teaching contract and in receipt of an Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund pension.
Northern Spirit
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards and the Government of Alberta to provide funding to teachers for self-directed professional development, particularly for teachers in rural and remote locations.
Northern Spirit
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta and school boards to provide time, inservice and resources for the new curriculum before implementation.
Northern Spirit
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure that 24-hour emergency mental health services for children are available across the province.
Edmonton Catholic Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to take over the operation of in order to begin actively developing and reorganizing its online teaching resources to reflect the new curricula.
Edmonton Catholic Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to amend the Public Education Collective Bargaining Act to allow for more matters with a cost to be placed on the local list, and to that end, that the Central Table Bargaining Committee be enabled to bargain a percentage of money to be made available to support locals in achieving their local table issues.
Edmonton Catholic Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta school boards to provide inclusive education and sensitivity training for staff regarding the creation of safe, caring and welcoming environments for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that item 9 of the Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities for Teachers be amended to read—
9 Teachers have the right to be protected against discrimination on the basis of prejudice as to race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, physical characteristics, disability, marital status, family status, age, ancestry, place of origin, place of residence, socioeconomic background or linguistic background and have the responsibility to refrain from [practicing] practising these forms of discrimination in their professional duties.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta Education to maintain the requirement for a social studies Grade 12–level course for high school graduation.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that students in public education be free from commercial exploitation.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that parents and community are essential partners in public education.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association provide funds to implement recommendations from the Committee on Understanding Aggression(s) in Alberta Schools and School Communities.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association provide funds to establish a Status of Women Committee.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association provide funds for a research project to inform the Association’s advocacy on behalf of teachers and school leaders by documenting the impact of the new professional practice standards.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association host a women’s leadership symposium in the 2019/20 school year to promote gender equity and women’s participation in all aspects of employment and Association life.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the 2019/20 proposed budget be increased by $5,000 to provide for a subsidy to Summer Conference delegates incurring adult dependent-care expenses above and beyond regular care with an attested claim and original, detailed receipts.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure that, if approvals are granted to school jurisdictions, under occupational health and safety (OH&S) legislation, allowing jurisdictions to have one divisional safety committee, oversight measures are put in place to ensure that joint work site health and safety committees provide a mechanism for all workers to be meaningfully involved in OH&S matters.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that school authorities should collaborate with the Alberta Teachers’ Association to develop and implement policies requiring parents to disclose to teachers and other staff when a student has been provided a surveillance device and governing the use of such devices in schools.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Government of Alberta should ensure that changes in legislation respecting education do not diminish
1. the protection provided to teachers and other school authority employees against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression;
2. the right or ability of students to establish and name gay–straight/queer–straight alliances in their schools; or
3. the right or ability of individual students to determine if and how their membership or participation in the activities of a gay–straight/queer–straight alliance in their schools is disclosed to other persons.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Government of Alberta should increase education grant rates on an ongoing basis to compensate for the effects of past and future general inflation and specific cost increases affecting the operations and infrastructure of public, separate and francophone school authorities.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Government of Alberta should increase education funding to public, separate and francophone school authorities to fully fund increases in enrolment.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Government of Alberta should engage the Alberta Teachers’ Association, school boards, superintendents, parents and the public in the development of a rural education strategy to ensure that students in rural areas continue to have access to high-quality education opportunities provided by public, separate and francophone school authorities.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Government of Alberta should engage the Alberta Teachers’ Association, school boards, superintendents, parents and the public in the development of an inclusive education strategy to ensure that students with exceptionalities and their teachers are provided with appropriate supports.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Government of Alberta should engage the Alberta Teachers’ Association, school boards, superintendents, parents and the public in the development of a class-size reduction strategy to ensure that class sizes support optimal teaching and learning.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Government of Alberta should expand school nutrition programs to ensure that all students who are economically disadvantaged are well-fed and ready to learn.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that any new policy implemented by the Government of Alberta concerning teacher evaluation should respect teacher professionalism and comport with the philosophy and direction of the Teaching Quality Standard (2019); Alberta’s Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation Policy 2.1.5; and section 4(b)(vii) of the Teaching Profession Act.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association supports the collective bargaining rights of all unionized workers, including the ability to engage in fair arbitration free from government interference.
Calgary Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Government of Alberta should amend the Tobacco and Smoking Reduction Act to regulate vaping products in the same way as the act regulates tobacco products.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
Edmonton Public Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure employment contracts do not infringe upon the individual human rights of a teacher.
Policy review completed
The Association undertook a major review of its policy in response to a 2016 Annual Representative Assembly resolution calling on the organization to modernize, rationalize and consolidate its accumulated policy. Outdated policies were deleted, overlapping policies were consolidated, and all policies were edited for clarity and ease of reading. These activities reduced the number of policies from 1,044 to 971 and the number of words from 46,703 to 39,592.
Representing the official end of this review, Resolution 3-3 replaced the previous policy with the updated version.
Provincial Executive Council
BE IT RESOLVED, that the administrative and educational policy contained in the 2018/19 Members’ Handbook be repealed and replaced with the Administrative and Educational Policy of the Alberta Teachers’ Association submitted to the 2019 Annual Representative Assembly.